I had a doctor’s appointment Monday, not with my favorite Dr B, but with one of the doctors in her former group. The medical assistant who took my blood pressure, etc, asked how I was doing and I told her about Dr B’s concerns about my “uterine activity”; the MA asked if I wanted to be checked (for dilation) and I told her that if this doctor thought it was necessary, then that would be fine. Well, in walked the unfriendly doctor – she saw I was undressed from the waist down, and barely asked questions, and then she checked me. She found that I am dilated to one centimeter – which isn’t good for being only 31+ weeks, but that it could very well be normal for me (but I was only a fingertip dilated with Mallory on my due date). She told me that I had to go up to Triage to get monitored and then they would check me again. That’s when I started to cry.
I went up to Triage and didn’t have any contractions for the 1.5 hours I was monitored and was still only one cm so I was told to drink lots of water and to take it easy. Oh, OK.
Being in Triage sucked. I didn’t have a TV and there were no magazines or anything. And I was afraid to play games on my iPhone because the battery was dying and I was nervous that I was going to have to stay a long time and then I’d be phone-less.
Dr B is out of town this week but I have been in contact with her via email so hopefully she can check me again next week. I think that once I start dilating that I won’t undilate. These Braxton-Hicks contractions are new to me – I never remember having them with Mallory. And I don’t remember Mallory being THIS active. I swear…this baby’s favorite thing to do is stretch out all four limbs in four different directions all at the same time.
I have some videos of Mallory to share but need to finish the Bachelor before Batgirl kicks my arse for being so slow about watching it.
You should talk to Stef. She has a lot of contractions with the 2nd baby and went to the hospital I think 3 times and was sent home. I think you just have a lot more of them with the second baby.
Hang in there.
Hugs, Terry