Here is the evidence that I don’t have to worry about my kid being afraid of the water. But I think we have to be afraid of her not being afraid of the water.
That’s Bryce in the kiddie pool with my Mallory, and I am playing lifeguard. Bryce is our friend’s 6-year old son ~ Mallory loves him to pieces, and I think the feeling is mutual. It’s too cute.
I don’t have our fancy video editing software on the laptop right now so forgive the length of the video.
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Yesterday was low-key – we made a run up the street for lunch and then Rick actually got to see Mallory do her thing in the baby pool. The picture to the right is my Mallory with Big Mallory (Bryce’s sister). She & Bryce fight over my Mallory, so when they are around all I have to do is make sure she doesn’t get too smothered. Bryce is all about making sure she has her pacifier – the other night after Universal Studios, he was almost passed out in his dad’s arms as we were walking back into the hotel and he heard my Mallory start to fuss, but he still found the energy to say “make sure she has her pacifier!”. I. Was. Dying.
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Rick is at the stadium for the team picture right now and I have no idea what is on the agenda when he gets back. The weather is getting colder (only 80 instead of 84) and there is a threat of rain today. I wouldn’t mind starting to pack, just so there is less to do after the game tomorrow night, but that means my kid needs to wake up from her nap and we do NOT want that just yet.
So, I’m off to read more Harry Potter. Yes, I am only on book 4. Settle down Mello.