
Calgon, take me away!

We are having a rough time adjusting to real-life. For all the sleeping Mallory did on Saturday & Sunday day, she wants nothing to do with it now. This is completely uncharted territory for us – she is usually fantastic at bedtime. I am sick and dealing with my own re-entry adjustments so I am about to lose it.

Sunday night – she had a 3+ hour crying session, tossing and turning on my chest, going from my left shoulder to the right and back and forth. In the middle of it, she lifted her head up, pulled out her pacifier and gave me a big sloppy-snotty-wet kiss. And then she gave me another big sloppy-snotty-wet kiss. Usually I have to ask her for a kiss and sometimes when I say “I love you baby!” she’ll reward me with a kiss. But the two kisses on Sunday night were completely unprovoked. I have a feeling she knew I was about to send her to the shed.

I have decided that until we are back to normal, which is hopefully soon, I’m not going to abandon the routine that has worked for 14 months – dinner, bath, bottle, bed. Yesterday she woke up from her after school nap ~6p and was fine, until I put her down and the dog tapped her with his tail. That set her off and she was in such a state that she wouldn’t sit in her high chair (so no dinner) and wouldn’t calm down for anything; so I put her in her pjs and had her almost asleep when Rick got home and the dog barked so she was wide awake again. My usual tricks weren’t working and I was quickly losing patience since we don’t usually have these battles. At 10p I made Rick take her for a car ride (the first time we’d EVER had to resort to any tricks to get her to sleep) while I took Nyquil so I could get to sleep.

Calgon, take me away!