
Countdown to Tube-day Tuesday: 6 days

Holy smokes. My kid is a disaster. She has been drooling like crazy the past three days (blowing through bibs), having inconsolable fits of screaming and crying, hands in her mouth, waking up in the night, not wanting to eat, not wanting to drink. Our normal drives home from school each day usually involve her chatting and falling asleep or fussing and falling asleep. But the past three days, EVERY SINGLE TIME we get in the car, it’s a non-stop screamfest, with a little extra screamfest whenever we arrive at out destination.

Rick took her to the doctor this morning – turns out she has a bunch of fluid in her ears again, and there is one tooth about to erupt. We got some more antibiotics and new Tylenol dosage instructions (I never upped the dose from when she was 6 months old…oops).

I can’t concentrate at work because I am worried about how she’s doing and how she’s behaving for that day’s caregiver. I was supposed to have an outing with the football wives tonight (I am one of the organizers) but today when we got home she was out of control, running to fall on the ground, rolling around like someone was stabbing her, alternately throwing her pacifier & blankie and wanting to cuddle with me & her blankie. So I called in sick for Bunco and suffered through Mallory’s pain. I called her pediatrician’s after hours call line and they thought maybe her eardrums were about to rupture and that’s why she seems to be in such horrible pain. Outstanding. I remembered that we have some numbing drops for her ears so I gave her those and that calmed her down a little bit so she could eat a little dinner. After a few more fits and a bath she was almost normal and drank an entire sippy cup of water. This was key – she has been very anti-liquids the past three days and I was starting to get really nervous about dehydration.

So – I had been second guessing the tubes decision, thinking maybe we should hold off and see how she does through the summer but today’s news of more fluid (just 5 days after finishing her last antibiotics) and obvious pain reinforces that we made the right decision. Tubeday Tuesday is just 6 days away.

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Rick & I have a lot of TV to catch up on from his vacation work trip (two Apprentices and two Survivors) so I gots to go.