
Hey buh-buh

From my email from this week:

Your 18-month-old: Week 3 Now that your child has mastered some key words, she’ll soon figure out (if she hasn’t already) that saying those words in a REALLY LOUD VOICE is a surefire way to get what she wants. Some toddlers can even make simple two-word sentences such as “No more” or “All done.” And, as a sign of your child’s growing self-awareness, she may start referring to herself by name: “Claire go,” for example.

Exhibit A: Get a call from Rick this morning. Apparently Mallory & Rick were outside with Cooper before they left for school/work. Rick was trying to get the dog to do his thing before being locked in the house for the day, so he was telling Coops “go poop…go poop”. Next thing you know, Mallory said “go poop” and pointed at the ground. Then she said “Hey buh-buh…GO POOP!”. Hysterical.

* * *

We had Mallory’s 18-mo check-up yesterday. She did GREAT – was so cute for the doctor, showing how she likes to read books out loud and color, and even sat nicely on the exam table for the doctor to listen with the stethoscope (which Mallory then tried to use on herself – again – so funny to watch her imitate) and let the doctor look in her ears. She measures 28.22 lbs (91%) and 32.99 inches (83%). Her height jumped WAY up this visit – she grew almost 2 inches in 3 months! We had blood drawn again to check for lead (in the fall it was on the high side of normal) – hopefully that has gone down because if it hasn’t, I don’t know what to do. Our house doesn’t have any lead based on our checks so hopefully that first number was a fluke and all will be well.