Mallory got a “BYE” (that would be “bike” in Mallorian). She sees Rick ride a bike and gets excited so we got her a tricycle yesterday. It is a little big for her – I was very torn between the smaller one and the bigger one and I went with the bigger one which may have been a mistake. I don’t know if she’ll grow enough this summer to be able to really use it so we may go back and get the smaller one too. I also got her a bike helmet, which she insisted on wearing out of the store and into my car (made me a little nervous about what she thinks about my driving habits…).
While at the store getting her BYE, she INSISTED on carrying the box with the tricycle in it. The box weighed more than she does so she let me help her but it was a long walk from the back of the store to the front and when I wouldn’t let her help me she got so mad and had a complete meltdown. Then I was torn between giving in or letting her have the tantrum. But when she curled up on my shoulder and quietly sobbed, I couldn’t put her down so I left the bike in the middle of the aisle, went and found a cart and came back for her bike – all the while carrying a sniffling sweet baby girl on my shoulder. She is so independent in so many ways that it makes me forget that she is only a little girl and to not encourage her to grow up so fast.
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One other note – OMG I am out of shape. I mowed the lawn today with our power lawnmower and I kept making sure the power-assist on the wheels was on because I thought it was SOOO hard to push. Are you kidding me? What a wimp I am. Ugh.