
Report Card

How happy was I to get this daily report from Mallory’s daycare Friday? See what it says in the lower right corner?


Apparently the daycare lady was holding the baby and Mallory held the bottle for the little boy while he ate. I am so glad she is over her hair-pulling and hitting stage. :-)  The daycare ladies say Mallory LOVES to help with the babies in the infant room. She will go give the babies their blankies and pacifiers, and will push the swing or the bouncy-seat to help soothe the babies.

* * *

Mallory graduates from the infant room next Friday. She has been spending time in the toddler room for the past couple of months so I’m sure she’ll be fine (heck, they get cookies for snacks in the toddler room, compared to the boring healthy fruit we send for her every day now for snacks). Mallory’s friend’s mom & I were thinking about doing something special for the girls for their “graduation”. I almost cried the other day thinking about Mallory leaving those infant room ladies – Mallory just loves them all and we do too. They have taken such good care of my baby the past 16 months – how do you thank them for loving your kid?