I think it was the movie Flashdance where the chick wore her clothes off the shoulder?
Here is what happens when Mallory tries to finish getting herself dressed:
And here is Mallory ~1984 via yearbookyourself.com.
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Phew. I am finally relaxing. Yesterday was hectic with trying to get the laptop back up & running. Then once I got the laptop ready and re-installed the blogging software, I was having blog-publishing issues until 11.20p last night. That’s the engineer’s daughter in me – I couldn’t sleep until I figured it out but I finally gave up when it was two hours past my bedtime. Then this morning when my eyes popped open at 6.30a, I couldn’t go back to sleep so I grabbed the laptop and voila! After a good night’s sleep I figured it out in about 15 minutes.
Mallory & I started watching some of the Michigan game from Saturday; I was interested to see how they played up the Rodriguez hype during the broadcast. We didn’t get very far into the game because I mistakenly asked Mallory if we should take Cooper to the park and then Cooper was freaking out like he always does when he thinks we are springing him for a quick jaunt out of the house. So we met Miss Cheri & Barkley for a little walk in the woods and came home in time for Mallory to very agreeably go down for a nap…might we actually be back on our schedule? Hopefully Rick only has to work until about 3p today; it’s a gorgeous day out so we are all crossing our fingers that he’ll be home sooner than later.
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The biggest news of late is that I am going on a work trip. I will be gone from my sweet baby for five whole nights and I am already freaking out. Rick is going to have to really pick up the slack in my absence and there is a cast of thousands willing to help him out. Mallory will be well loved and cared for while I’m gone and I’m sure she will handle me being gone better than I will. This is an annual training and while the timing isn’t great (football season), in other ways the timing is great (better to leave Rick home with just Mallory and not wait until another year when it’s Mallory and Arlo). I think Mallory will get a lot of time at football helping Rick at work – I just hope she gets her daily bath and her hair combed while I’m gone. I will have to stalk the weather channel before I leave since I’ll have to set out a whole week’s worth of clothes for him (and maybe a couple options in case the forecast changes while I’m gone).
I am looking forward to a little me time and need to stock up on some good books. And as much as I will miss the constant “Mama” coming from the mouth of my sweet baby girl, I will enjoy some silence. I hope my co-workers that I am traveling with don’t expect me to hang out much. We have one free afternoon and I plan to sit by the pool with a lemonade and do absolutely nothing! I probably won’t even blog because without Mallory around, what really is there to talk about?