The fact that Rick & I met at the Cube in Ann Arbor must be in Mallory’s genes. She hasn’t watched hockey inside that rink EVER, but just recently – when we drive by it – she gets all excited and starts yelling “HOCKEY!” And then when I say, “oh, is that a hockey rink?”, she responds “Yah”, all teenage-ish sounding, like DUH MOM – that is what I just said. I think it’s cool that she gets that hockey vibe from being near a rink. Not cool enough that I want her to play hockey which would result in me having to drag her to the rink at the a$$-crack of dawn on Saturdays & Sundays mornings from September to March.
So when my former hockey team had a somewhat early game this past Sunday, Mallory & I trekked into town to see Rick at work real quick and then go watch some hockey. I figured that we’d make it maybe a period (~15 minutes) before Mallory was ready to go.
Boy was I wrong. She lasted the whole game.
She got all into watching for Deesa and Biggie. “Where Deesa go?” and “Where Biggie go?” was all I heard. We sat in the front row and she had her face pressed to the glass most of the time. Biggie got a couple of penalties so Mallory got to go give her knuckles while Biggie was in the penalty box.
Then the whole way home from the game – there was “where Deesa go” and “more Biggie hockey!”.