For the first time in about two months, Rick was going to pick Mallory up from daycare yesterday so I could have an afternoon to myself. Remember back in July, when we last tried this plan? I should have learned my lesson then (click here for the story).
I had plans to go get my hair cut & colored & made pretty but first I had to swing by the house to let the dog out. I had about five minutes to make this stop if I wanted to make it to my hair appointment on time.
I stepped up to the door and looked through the window and saw a couple blobs of yellow goo on the carpet. Outstanding. The dog puked (I think I forgot to tell you that Cooper ate part of one of Mallory’s diapers on Sunday evening, but he’s been pooping & peeing and acting fine so I figured this one would pass).
But when I stepped inside, I found eight more blobs of yellow puke; most of them were small, but one was HUGE, all spread around the gated area that we leave Cooper in when we aren’t home.
I grab some plastic gloves and a roll of paper towel and attempt to clean up the biggest glob. Have you ever torn apart a disposable diaper? Do you know how it’s filled with absorbent pellets? Well, this biggest blob of puke was nice and fluffy with the absorbent pellets all absorbed with puke. I was heaving and retching at the smell and the sight and in the midst of trying not to actually puke I peed my pants a little bit (a fun pregnancy side effect). I sprayed the air with some air freshener and went back to cleaning up the mess, while trying to breathe only through my mouth and not my nose.
Got that big pile cleaned up, plus the nine smaller ones, sprayed with Woolite Oxy Carpet Cleaner stuff, cleaned out the (tiled) bathroom of anything the dog could eat and baby-gated him in there so I could go get my hair done.
The plan for after my relaxing hair appointment was to head to football and eat dinner with Rick at the building so he could see Mallory before he leaves for the game today. Rick picked Mallory up at daycare and met me at the building, but we had to wait about 30 minutes until we actually got to eat – Mallory was tired & hungry and I was tired & hungry (and angry that Rick didn’t comment on how nice my hair looked) so us girls were ready to eat so we could go home.
Finally got to eat and head home and found two more piles of puke in the bathroom tile. Rick takes care of that while I get Mallory in her pajamas. Then he reads her a book while I start steam cleaning the carpet. Of course the steam cleaning noise isn’t real conducive to Mallory falling asleep so even though it was after 8pm and should have been asleep an hour earlier, she keeps opening the door to her room to peek out at me, but then shuts the door when she sees me looking back at her. I get done steam cleaning and try to get Mallory back in bed but she is SO not interested in sleep (yes, it’s my fault for steam cleaning while she’s trying to go to sleep but I HAD to clean up that mess). We end up putting her in the crib because she won’t stay in her bed. She cried for about 10 minutes but finally passed out.
So, the moral of the story is this: the next time Rick tells me to go have a free afternoon and leave Mallory at daycare, I need to remember to say thanks but no thanks.
PS – Cooper is back in a cage indefinitely; at least that way his messes will be on a tray that I can easily wipe up. The good thing is that Rick said that Cooper actually went into the cage on his own and curled up last night so I hope Coops doesn’t think of the cage as punishment, even though it sort of is. Shhh.