This baby of mine in my tummy is doing some Olympic gymnastics or something and it is KILLING me. It doesn’t hurt but it is way annoying! Doesn’t s/he know that this is quiet time in our house? It isn’t “play quiet” (ie, the code word for roughhousing back when I was little) time.
The baby is 21w3d today and we have our next doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning! Time is going really fast overall but it seems as though each day slowly crawls along. At my last appointment, the Great Dr B told me I could have another big ultrasound (because of my oldness advanced maternal age) and that we would do weekly stress tests near the end (also due to my oldness advanced maternal age). I look forward to getting some clarification on that tomorrow. We’ll also talk about my heartburn issues (that I have mildly controlled with Zant.ac). Other than that, I can’t believe I don’t remember how much a baby moves and am happy that s/he is moving and announcing it’s presence with authority.
Ok, I just got a video of it. Stay tuned while that uploads.
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The 2-yr old (OH MY GOD I HAVE A TWO YEAR OLD) is asleep (hooray dad!) and the dog is asleep (but snoring) at my feet and I actually ironed and am now relaxing. Perhaps I’ll take the laptop upstairs and transcribe more of my pregnancy journal from last time.