That’s what Mallory did yesterday if you were to ask her after about 3.30p.
Mals got to go to the polls with me after work and I had my purse stuffed full with a banana, a book and some oyster crackers to help us both endure the long lines I expected to see. But lucky for us, we walked right in, got my ballot and sat down to fill it out. She kept trying to knock over the cardboard science-project-display-like barriers that were surrounding each voting station but I filled my ballot out quickly and we were ready to go. I didn’t really care one way or the other on one of the proposals so I asked Mallory if we should vote yes or no and she said to vote no so that’s what I did.
My biggest vote of the day? Voting against the lady from the township variance committee who gave us grief about our shed when we went to get our variance to do the addition to our house that we are now not doing anyway; she was running for Township Supervisor (apparently she is the incumbent) and since I didn’t get my act together to actually run against her in the election, I just voted for whomever was running against her. I’m a very educated voter.
Anyway, when we went to turn in my ballot, Mallory handed the dude the little slip of paper with my name on it and promptly got her very own “I VOTED” sticker.
On our way out of the township hall, Mallory was telling everyone walking in that she “boated”.
Seriously, how can I not laugh at her ALL.THE.TIME?
* * *
I thought we were going to have to start some sleep training last night. 75% of the time, Mallory goes down to bed in her big-girl-bed just fine and without a fuss. But then she gets in these moods where she REFUSES to go down and I end up throwing placing her nicely in her crib so she’ll go to sleep. But seeing as how we have about 21 weeks before Arlo makes an appearance (OMG I’m almost halfway through this pregnancy already?), we need to get her to sleep in her big-girl-bed consistently. We had resorted to rocking her to sleep and then putting her in her bed and that is also a routine that I’d prefer not to start. The frustrating thing is that most of the time when we do resort to throwing putting her in her crib, she falls asleep in about two minutes so it’s obvious that she is tired and I was worried that maybe we moved her to a big girl bed too soon.
But I digress. My sister with the three kids who are all great sleepers said I have to just keep putting Mallory to bed in her own bed and don’t rock her to sleep and don’t do the crib, etc. So last night I did our normal (ie short) bedtime routine of two stories, a quick cuddle and then into her bed. I set a folding chair up outside her bedroom door so I could promptly put her back in her bed, over & over again if necessary.
Wouldn’t you know – the little bugger went right to sleep. Thank you pumpkin.