Baby Arlo is advanced already! This is the info from my 23w email I got: ”…now that she’s more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound, and you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes…” (note – the use of “she” here is babycenter (dot) com’s doing, not mine…do not read anything into it…next week it will refer to the baby as a “he”).
Anyway – the email says that at 23 weeks we MAY be able to see the baby squirm under my clothes. But seeing as how I saw the baby squirm under my clothes at like 21-ish weeks – me thinks we have another engineer’s grandbaby in my tummy :-)
OH – cute Mallory story!! Rick picked her up from school today and when she got home all she wanted me to do was carry her around (peas up). I obliged for a few minutes because she was just too cute but then I had to put her down; I told her it was because my tummy hurts if I carry her too much.
20 minutes later she asked me “peas up” and I told her no. My sweet girl’s response? “Your tummy hurt?”. I can’t stand it.