I think I should (belatedly) share my list of things I am thankful for.
I am thankful that Rick & I both have jobs and a house and cars that run. I am thankful for the football season being over, even though we don’t get our Christmas vacation this year. I am thankful for my family living so close, even though they drive me crazy sometimes. I am thankful for the blob of Arlo in my tummy who moves almost ALL.THE.TIME and I would like to tell Arlo that even though I yell at him/her to SETTLE DOWN IN THERE, I really am thankful for all the movement because it is a constant reminder of how lucky Rick & I are to be expecting another sweet baby. I am thankful for my darling sweet little girl (OH MY GOD I CAN’T BELIEVE SHE IS TWO) who – although some days I want to cry because she is so stubborn sometimes – makes me laugh a lot (the things that come out of her mouth some times just floor me). I am thankful that 99.9% of the time my daughter is a fabulous sleeper and I hope & wish every day that her brother or sister is the same way, even though I know the chances of that are slim. I am thankful for my annoying and somewhat uneducated co-workers for two reasons: 1) having co-workers means I have a job; and 2) they provide entertainment on a daily basis, usually in the form of poorly written emails. I am thankful for my boss who encourages me to go to breakfast with him every morning. I am thankful for my crazy dog (who I have started appreciating much more ever since he’s been caged during the day and I don’t have to worry about coming home to any sort of mess). I am thankful for our extended family who live across the country – I can’t remember the last time we took a trip that didn’t involve getting to see some of my cousins at our destination! I am thankful that my husband tries to encourage me to exercise, because I know he’s doing it for the right reasons, even though he needs to be home at 4p everyday if I’m going to exercise everyday and we all know that isn’t going to happen. I am thankful for our little house on the lake even though I wish sometimes it was a little bigger (and had a basement). I am thankful for our wonderful of friends. I am thankful that I have so many different kinds of friends with whom I can have different kinds of friendships. I am thankful for computers and the internet because it helps me keep in touch with people. And mostly, I am thankful for a husband who puts up with my grumpiness, and always loves me even when I am not very nice.