Wow – what a nice morning. It’s 8:02a Sunday and everyone is still asleep in my house. I’m catching up on some DVRd shows that I am behind on and enjoying a quiet morning.
Rick & I spent yesterday looking at homes. We are so struggling with the decision to move. We LOVE the lake but we are just far enough away from town that it leaves me feeling so removed from life. I don’t mind the drive to & from work but when I have to rush home to let the dog out before returning to town for Mallory’s swim …
Year: 2008
Favorite Sound
Every mom talks about how their favorite sound in the world is their kid’s laugh.
I think my second favorite sound in the world is hearing my husband laugh at my kid. Mallory is in the bathtub right now and all I hear is splash-splash-(Rick laughing)-splash.
I ? it.
Add it to the list
Add a new illness to Mallory’s list – she has some blisters on her hands and feet which the doctor thinks is hand, foot & mouth disease (it isn’t as gross as it sounds – I promise). This is probably contributing to her extreme irritability (one site says it causes “severe fussiness – this is often the worst part of the illness”) and not wanting to eat. I am mildly irritated that she was just at the doctor Wednesday and they didn’t notice anything. Argh. Cross your fingers that this doesn’t affect our TubeDay Tuesday.
She seems to be in a …
Countdown to Tube-day Tuesday: 6 days
Holy smokes. My kid is a disaster. She has been drooling like crazy the past three days (blowing through bibs), having inconsolable fits of screaming and crying, hands in her mouth, waking up in the night, not wanting to eat, not wanting to drink. Our normal drives home from school each day usually involve her chatting and falling asleep or fussing and falling asleep. But the past three days, EVERY SINGLE TIME we get in the car, it’s a non-stop screamfest, with a little extra screamfest whenever we arrive at out destination.
Rick took her to the doctor this morning – …
Ready for Sun & Summer
Mallory came out of her playroom with her sunglasses today; I velcroed them up for her. No further description necessary.
* * *
Mals & I got to see K & E and their twin babies J & A today. Mallory usually doesn’t stop saying BABY whenever she sees anyone smaller than her so I thought she’d get a big kick out of J & A. I think she was a little nervous with all the new faces because she was very quiet. But E was holding J and then I picked Mallory up so she could see …
My proudest day as a mom…
Mallory & I did a little mother-daughter bonding at the scrapbook table today. I think this is my proudest day as a mom:
look at this meticulous sticker placement: EUREKA!!!
The Obvious Child
Paul Simon’s “The Obvious Child”, interpreted by Mallory:
Pay no attention to the dog in the foreground destructing the indestructible kong.
My Little Oinker
We get a daily report from school every day with what Mallory ate, when she napped, and when & what kind of diaper changes she had. I don’t normally pay attention to anything other than the nap column, but yesterday’s meal column was full so it stood out to me. This is what it said:
oatmeal cookie
yogurt, milk
cheerios, watermelon, 1/2 banana, water
pizza, carrots, refused milk
1/2 banana, watermelon, cheerios, water
more carrots, cheerios, water
We provide all this food (Friday was pizza day so we just sent money for that) so I shouldn’t be surprised that she ate all this. And the oatmeal …
More about the tubes
I thought I’d share more about our decision to do tubes.
Mallory had a hearing test which she passed with flying colors. They did another little test to see how her eardrums move (it helps the doctor know how much fluid is behind the eardrums). That result was just OK – not perfect but not horrible. When we met with the ENT guy, Dr Possum Hunting (not his real name), said that her ears didn’t show any signs of permanent damage so the decision was up to us, or rather me, since my husband is on vacation working in Florida.
One of …
"Fancy Nancy" is a pain my arse
So this really cute book that Mallory just loves is becoming a big fat pain in my arse. She is OBSESSED with “Fancy Nancy”, which is pretty adorable (it’s the book she’s “reading” to herself in the video from a few days ago), but this obsession has started to interfere with diaper changes, getting dressed, taking baths, etc.
She wants to carry the book around and read it ALL.THE.TIME. And because it’s not a little board book, it’s big, like bigger than 8.5 x 11, she can’t read it while laying on her back while I change her diaper. And …