
Mike, this post is for you…

January 24, 2008

You wanted documentation of Mallory being a pill…here she is mid-temper-tantrum, and has tantrumed herself under the chair.
She doesn’t do this very often but something pushes a button sometimes and she turns into a big fat crying mess. I feel bad just letting her roll around and cry but she doesn’t want me to hold her, doesn’t want Rick to hold her, doesn’t want a pacifier, doesn’t want her bear blankie, etc, so I just let her cry and hope she doesn’t hurt herself in the process.
I think this is mostly the result of her being overdue for …

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Guam Trip, Mallory, rb, stb, travel

Catching Up

January 24, 2008

posted at 6p Thursday January 24, Guam time
As I was reviewing pictures, I realized I missed posting some stuff. Plus, I want a daily list of the stuff we’ve done so here goes (I’ll be able to post as long as Rick keeps Mallory occupied and vice versa).
We went to Two Lovers Point earlier this week ( We paid our $3 to get a view of Tumon Bay; there was a souvenir shop and all these buildings. The funniest thing is that in the travel book I have from back when my folks were here way back when shows a …

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Guam Trip, Mallory, travel


January 23, 2008

Post started at 4.30p Wednesday January 23(?) Guam time.
I forgot to post about how warm the ocean is. It’s like bathwater, warmer than the pools.
Mallory wasn’t so sure about the ocean and it’s somewhat big salty waves. She played in it a little bit, “swimming” back and forth between grandpa and Rick, and then was able to stand up and walk where it was shallower.
She and grandpa went down the slide about five times in a row today. They would get to the bottom and Mals would do the sign for more so my dad would pick her up and …

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Guam Trip, travel

We found it!

January 22, 2008

Post written at 8pm Tuesday January 22 Guam time
We found our old house!
Our old address was 56 Y Seng Song, but there is no 56 to be found on Y Seng Song. So my dad stood in the street and tried to remember the old home movies of my mom & Sarah Barden riding motorcycles up and down the street to get a frame of reference. My dad and mom narrowed it down to the blocks they think it was and then we drove up the street real slow. There was only one house that had the door in the …

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Guam Trip, travel

Travel Blog #8

January 20, 2008

Started 7a Monday January 21 Guam time; posted at 9a Monday.
We went on a site-seeing adventure yesterday. We headed to the other side of the island to find Talofofo Falls and Yokoi Cave.
On our way to the falls and the cave, we drove through the old Navy base where my folks lived after they moved from Dededo. The naval air station was closed by Bill Clinton in 1997 and the property was turned over to the Government of Guam. The old Officer’s Club and adjoining buildings are occupied by the Police, and the housing is now occupied by civilians. …

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Guam Trip, travel

Pool Baby

January 19, 2008

Posted Sunday January 20 at 6am Guam time

Here is our little pool baby. You can just barely make out her strap marks on her back. Thank goodness she was lathered up in 50 SPF!

Yesterday & last night we got fairly normal sleep out of Mallory. She took two brief naps and she went down for bed around 8.30p. The best part is that she didn’t wake until 4.30a this morning. I know it’s early but 9p-4.30a is about what I get at home so I was happy. The only hard part is that we …

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Guam Trip, travel


January 18, 2008

Posted Saturday January 19, 1:35p Guam time
We tried to find our old house today. We found the street but not the house. Either my parents don’t remember what our house looked like or else all the houses changed in the past 36 years. All they can remember is that the carport was on the left, and that there was an entrance to the kitchen from the carport. Only one house on the road matched that exact description, but then my dad vetoed it because the driveway wasn’t long enough. So then my mom wanted to find their friend’s house on …

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Being a mom…

January 18, 2008

One of my favorite things about being a mom is when Mallory wants me and only me…when I’m the only one she wants to hold her and cuddle with her. (Of course, when I’m trying to get stuff done, it isn’t my favorite thing. And it’s not so fun when she fights her dad because she only wants me.)
But this must be that is why I still call my own mom whenever I need someone to help me through a problem. I just wish she would just give me a hug and a cuddle instead of telling me “snap out …

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Guam Trip, Mallory, travel

Travel Blog #5

January 18, 2008

Posted Friday, January 18, 10p Guam time
We made it. Mallory was OUTSTANDING on the plane – a few little meltdowns but in general she was great. She even slept the entire second leg of the flight, which was nice, since it was 9p (and 7am Ann Arbor time).
A couple notes about our trip yesterday:

On the big flight, Mallory had finally fallen asleep. My mom said “good- let her sleep as long as possible…”, but I pointed out that it was really noon where we were going to be spending the week, so maybe she should be awake. She said “NO, …

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