Had an appointment this morning (I have started my weekly appointments, OMG!).
Everything looks great – they took at look at the baby via ultrasound and Arlo was breathing and hiccuping and punching away. S/he was more quiet that normal so they almost had to strap on the monitoring things to make sure s/he was moving enough but I guess the nurse saw enough that we got to skip that exercise.
My fluid is 18 (whatever that means) and my blood pressure was good. My weight is 2.5 lbs less than it was at my very last doctor’s appointment with Mallory so I’m pretty happy with that. I should be gaining a pound a week right now so even if I go over my ending weight from last time, it isn’t too bad.
Dr B said to just keep doing whatever it is I’m doing, because I’m doing it well. I found out I can start my maternity leave two weeks before my due date – that means I have less than three weeks of work left. OMG!
Got this profile picture today:
I can’t see the picture. Glad things look good.