
Carson – 8 weeks

My sweet baby boy is eight weeks old already. I can’t believe how big he is getting and how much less fragile he seems. We’ve settled into an eating routine (every three hours) and he’s staying awake more and is spending more of his awake time just chilling and not crying. He weighs ~13.5 lbs according to my measurements. We have his two-month appointment next Friday so we’ll have official stats then.

Carson started daycare on Tuesday and is doing fine with it. He pees on the daycare ladies too so it’s good to know it’s not just us that he chooses to pee on. All but one of the ladies in the infant room were there when Mallory was in that room so I feel totally comfortable with him being there.

He LOVES to ride in the car and will fall asleep about two blocks away from our house every single time.

He still likes to sleep on his tummy, in fact he’s in his crib in the kid bedroom right now and has been there for two hours :-) I can hear him starting to fuss so I may have to bail here pretty soon.

Ok, I give up, I can’t see straight because I’m so tired.