Carson, Mallory

Catching Up

I have a feeling that there will be lots of posts with the title “Catching Up” in the future.

Anyway, here are the pictures from our boat trip this week:

20090521~IMG_2669_cropped 20090521~IMG_2671 20090521~IMG_2676

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I’m going to do these in bullet format to get them documented:

  • Mallory & I were eating breakfast yesterday – when Rick & Carson came downstairs, Mallory said “here come da boys!!!”
  • We’ve been getting lots of great gifts for Carson; Mallory has started to imitate me when we are checking out the clothes. She’ll hold stuff up and say “Dis is SUPER CUTE!” or “How cute is dis?” or “Dis is a cute shirt!”.
  • Mallory had a whole day of peeing on the potty yesterday. She woke up dry this morning and went right on the potty this morning. Before I had a chance to go in and help her wash her hands, she was back up on the potty, telling me she had to go poop. WAHOO!! I brought her a couple of books and she gave me the play-by-play of the poop coming out.
  • Carson is starting to smile a lot more and I just love how his whole face lights up. I need to have the camera ready more!
  • Mallory told me to say “well, hellllooooooooo” the other day. After I did, she started this big fat belly laugh and told me “dat’s soooo funny!”. Then she said “well, helllooooo”, and then she told me “tell me ‘dat’s so funny’”.
  • Carson was able to actually kick the hanging things on his bouncy seat today (which makes the thing play more noise and light up).

More stuff will come under separate posts.