
More Mallory

Check out this picture Rick sent me yesterday (he was home with the kids because the power was out at daycare due to the storms). The subject of the email was “she’s pumping…”


It’s hard to see, but she has two plastic bottles held up to her chest. I asked her about it this morning and she told me a long story of the nilk (milk) going down into a box and then daddy took the top off and then she did dis (as she moved back & forth) and then she told me she fed her brother.


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These are the things she said to me this morning:

  • Is Carson my brother or my sister?
  • Can you give my brother his paci? Because he is crying because he is my brother
  • And I love this one: lausch-cloth for washcloth.

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I think we are finally totally done with diapers/pull-ups! She is consistently pooping on the potty and is consistently telling us that she has to go potty if we haven’t reminded her in a while. She still sometimes asks for a diaper when she is about to go poop but we remind her about the princess underpants and she will go on the potty instead. I am pretty fired up – I think getting her to go potty and getting rid of diapers are our greatest accomplishments to date. Forget about teaching her to walk and talk, this is way better!