Our sweet baby boy turned three months old this week and with it he turned into a HORRIBLE sleeper. He has been waking up at 1a and Rick brings him upstairs, where he (Carson, not Rick) will kick and grunt and toss and turn and butzie (aka “fart”) for hours until it’s time for us all to wake up. And then he falls asleep for two hours while the rest of us are awake. It sort of ruined our long weekend seeing as how I got zero sleep. Rick would get up with him and try the usual tricks of paci replacement, Hyland’s Colic tablets, mylicon drops, etc and none of it worked. Carson wasn’t screaming so I didn’t think he was hungry but I would end up feeding him and while that calmed him down momentarily and he’d end up falling asleep, as soon as I laid him down in bed next to me, he was grunting & fussing & butzieing again. Finally this morning at 4a I told Rick he was in charge – I’d fed Carson twice since 1a and was in desperate need of sleep – he ended up taking Carson into our closet, which was nice but I could still hear Carson crying so I shut the door on them. I woke up at 7.30a to quiet – Mallory was in bed passed out next to me and the door to the closet was still shut. When I opened it, I found Rick asleep on the floor of the closet with Carson asleep on top of him. I felt a little bad that he slept in the closet but I was happy to have gotten some sleep.
Oh – I should fess up that my chocolate & caffeine free diet had been going really well…right up until Lauren’s birthday party last Sunday when I had a ginormous piece of chocolate cake. I didn’t even think about it until the daycare ladies told me Tuesday that Carson had been having tummy problems the past few days. And of course they didn’t tell me that until Tuesday afternoon – and I’d had a regular caffeine Coke on Tuesday because I was so tired. I have been religious the last 24 hours – no caffeine, just a tiny chocolate (Carson had been fine with some sneaking of chocolate by me so far), no alcohol. I really hope tonight is much better or else I might need to soundproof a room for Carson and just let him figure it out at night. I don’t function well on little sleep.