Do you remember that episode of Friends where Phoebe is trying to teach Joey to speak French? Where she got him to properly repeat the French word/phrase syllable by syllable, but when she asked him to say the whole thing, it was unrecognizable? Please tell me you remember (Ok, when Mallory reads this in 50 years, she’ll have no idea what the heck I’m talking about. Friends? Huh?)
Anyway, we are dealing with the same language pronunciation thing here.
I can get Mallory to say “lemon” and “ade” but she can’t say lemonade – it still comes out “lemolade”
I can get Mallory to say “shhhhh” and “rimp” but put it together and she says “thimp”
She’ll say “wash” and “cloth” but combined it sounds like “lausch-cloth”.
I really should roll some film of her doing these words.
What’s “Friends”? Josselyn did, and Lauren does, a similar thing……”Say ‘yellow'” and it came, comes, out “lellow”. Say “yell”….”yell”. Say “low”…..”low”. Say “yellow”…..”lellow”. Maybe it’s inherited.
When my cousin was 4 she couldn’t say my sister’s name, Michelle, it just came out “Misell”
We were trying to get her to say it, same thing was happening. Eventually she just gave up, saying “But misell, I can’t say Michelle.” The last one came out perfect, but still couldn’t be repeated again.