
No, I just TELL you

In the car yesterday after school, I asked Mallory if we could go for a walk when we got home. Because Mommy needs…”ETZER-THIZE” (that’s right Mals).

But Mallory told me “Um, I think we should go for a walk AFTER dinner”.

Then we talked about some other stuff and I said again “I think we’ll go for a walk as soon as we get home so we can do it while your brother is still sleeping”.

Mallory’s response: “No, I just TELL you what we are gonna do. We are gonna go for a walk AFTER dinner.”

* * *

Unrelated but I have to share – Mallory is  all about saying “…and that’s the ploblem (problem)…” lately.

For example: “Carson needs his paci because he is crying so he needs his paci…and that’s the ploblem”.


“…I am going to take your picture…and that’s the ploblem”.