friends, Mallory

Thience Camp

Here are some long-awaited pictures from “Thience” Camp.

I took the Mallory & Alli on “Frog Day” – so they got to look at some tadpoles & almost frogs in some shallow pans. The teacher also had some red jello which was supposed to feel like frog eggs (blech!). Then we walked down to the ponds to try to find some more frogs. I should clarify that I am part of the collective “we” in regard to walking down to the ponds, but I am not in the collective “we” when it came to looking for frogs. I’ve never considered myself a girly-girl (I had a pet garter snake when I was in middle school) but I am not a big fan of reptile or amphibians or whatever they are called. Maybe I should have paid better attention at thience camp, eh?

I’d like to point out that they were the only two girls in the class of six at science camp.

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