
Weebles Wobble

One of my favorite things about being a mom is that I get to watch as this little person I made learns something new every single day.

It’s hard to believe that Carson is already old enough and big enough to learn how to sit up. In these pictures from last week, he’s more tripodding on his new taggie football than actually sitting up for real – and already since then he is even more steadier and less tippy. Sometimes he takes a header and comes up with a drooly face full of dog hair (Mom – settle down – I could vacuum every hour and there would still be dog hair on my carpet).


He LOVES to be on his tummy and can spin around on his belly and roll to get all over the place. He’s starting to end up on Mallory’s toys and she gets pretty upset. I’ve tried to work on letting her know that it’s just the beginning…

We went to the doctor today because Carson has had a cough and a fever the past couple of days. The pediatrician was sure she was going to find gunky ears after hearing me describe Carson’s behavior, but his ears were clear as can be. So he just has a cold and we have to keep an eye out for a higher fever.

The crazy thing is that I don’t know that I’ve ever been able to feel a fever on Mallory, even in the midst of all of her pre-tube ear infections.

Carson is still super smiley and giggly (except for on Sunday when he was whiney and feeling yucky). Of course today at the doctor he was smiling and flirting with the doctor and I’m sure she was thinking “this kid seems totally healthy and fine, you crazy mom”.

He is starting to reach for me when he sees me and wants me to hold him. And if he’s hungry when I’m holding him, he’ll start to wiggle around to get into the nursing position. I don’t remember Mallory doing that ever so that sort of makes me giggle.