Carson, cousins, Mallory


Mallory’s cousin came to play this past weekend.  IMG_6158_albd-2

The girls get a little out of control when they get together.


Lauren is the dress-up QUEEN and probably the biggest reason why Mallory loves her dresses so much (remember it was Lauren who taught Mallory how to hold up her dress when going peepee on the potty).


Well, when two girly-girls get together and have a trunk full of Disney Princess dress-up props, this is what happens. You can see Lauren’s Cinderella necklace, and Snow White bow and some other princess’ yellow sequined crown.


And then there was Carson.


3 thoughts on “Speechless

  1. They are so totally Precious and Mr. Gorgeous Carson is so very sweet. I’m glad that you Treasure them, this is what memories are made of.

    Thanks so very much for sharing

  2. I am just saying, I want to come over next time…what a hoot! They truly leave you speechless :)

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