Mallory, video

There’s A Wocket in my Pocket

It’s hard for me to believe, but my baby boy has some strong opinions on books already. His recent faves are There’s a Wocket in my Pocket and Harry the Dirty Dog. If he happens to be walking down the hall and finds a random book on the floor, he’ll pop-a-squat right then & there and “read” the book (or if you are nearby, he’ll walk over to you, say something to you in Carsonese until you sit down, and then he’ll back up on to your lap so you can read it to him). Oh, are you (MOM) wondering why I have books all over the floor of my hallway? They are there just in case Carson might want to read them, not because my hallway is a mess with stuff that needs to be put somewhere else…

But, I digress.

We are still enjoying the days where Mallory & Carson like to hang out with each other, and I really enjoy that she can occupy him for a few minutes in the morning while I finish getting ready for work. I guess it doesn’t help me get ready for work faster if I take time out to video them hanging out.

She’s “reading” him There’s a Wocket it my Pocket and she’s making up most of it.

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