Carson, cousins, video

The Baby Boys

My sister & her husband had stuff going on yesterday so I was supposed to watch Lauren & Cameron for the day. Mallory & Lauren were excited to have a whole day together.

When my mom got here with all four of Emily’s kids (Shane was headed to a friend’s house for the afternoon, and my mom was going to take Liam) – Lauren & Mallory decided they wanted to go shopping with my mom & Liam, which left me with just the two baby boys – Carson and 8-mo old Cameron.

I almost had to call in reinforcements to help hold a baby while I tried to get both of them to take a nap. After finally getting Carson down, I could only get Cameron to sleep by having him sleep on me on the couch. If I tried to move him – he’d wake up. So I got semi-caught up on some DVR shows during my 90-minute pindown.

Once Carson woke up, Cameron woke up (because I had to put him on the couch to go rescue Carson).

They were SO FUN to watch as they played together. Carson was sooooooo cute and gentle with his little cousin (be sure to see videos at the bottom!).




Carson helped Cameron with his paci…





I love this video. He was sharing so nicely and was being so gentle. LOVE. But I have to say that my baby boy doesn’t look so much like a baby compared to my sister’s baby. :-(

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2 thoughts on “The Baby Boys

  1. He is so very gentle. How lucky they are that they will grown up with cousins so close by and close in age. You will have the greatest memories.

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