Carson’s words just keep coming and coming.
It may have taken him almost 26 months to learn it, but once he started using “Mommy momma moooooommmmmmm”, he mastered it very quickly.
It’s not fun when it’s being screamed from his crib when he should be sleeping, but having it yelled “HI MOMMMMMMMY!” when I get to daycare in the afternoon or when I walk in his room in the morning makes my insides smile. His “dayee” (daddy) usage is climbing, but “mommy” still tops the charts.
Tonight on our walk he found a new sentence: “Mommy! Ait!” for “mommy, WAIT!” while he ran to catch up with me so he could hold my hand. Then he said “owers!” as he pointed at our neighbors flowers.
Here are some more new developments:
- He can count to eleven – but only when he wants to. Other times he starts at “one-two-FIVE-eee (three)-NO” (because he’s done performing)
- Oopers = Coopers
- Og = dog
- Carson & I saw one of my friends at Lowe’s this past weekend and she had her 5-yr old daughter Riley with her. For the rest of our trip, Carson kept yelling “ant iley!” for “want Riley”. It was so cute.
- Ater = water
- His S sound is still coming out with a “ch” with it. It’s hard to describe so I’ll have to get it on film.
- He still copies every.single.thing Mallory does. If she starts dancing and being silly on the sidewalk, he starts dancing and being silly on the sidewalk.
- Bubbooz = bubbles
Oh – and the BEST new word? “Ma-oh-eee” for Mallory.
Unfortunately my camera-shy kid totally turns it off when he sees me turn the camera on.
So glad he’s turning into a chatter box…. Sounds like you need a tripod for the camera and a remote control….