Carson, Mallory

Christmas 2011

After all the buildup for Christmas…it was finally time.

I had to get up extra early because I forgot to put out one of Santa’s gifts for Carson (please don’t let Mallory read this blog until she already knows about Santa…), plus I wanted to get breakfast in the oven. I took the opportunity to take some pictures before the chaos started.


The kids came down and we had to let Carson go potty before letting Mallory at her presents. Carson was excited to get started so he came back in the room without any underpants. I am not able to share any of the pre-opening pictures of Mallory because they all had Carson’s bare bottom in them.


Rick was rolling video so I didn’t take any pictures while we actually opened presents – and we let Mallory take the lead on what she wanted to open. She opened all of the gifts from us under the tree, before turning to the Santa gifts. Rick & I had debated on whether we should steer Mallory to open her American Girl Doll before the clothes Santa brought, or have her open the clothes first and then the doll.

She opened the clothes first, and finally opened the doll.

She was pretty proud of herself when she got her dressed up in the fairy costume outfit.


Santa also brought Mallory and her doll matching outfits. CUTEST THING EVER.


And then we tried to get some family pictures. I converted these to black & white so it isn’t so obvious that I was still in my pajamas.





Mallory also got a new winter coat, a puzzle, and a bunch of craft stuff. She also got Just Dance 3 for the Wii from my mom, a certificate for a train ride and lunch from my dad (Mallory has been dying to take the train) and she got some crafts and a new mobigo game from Nina & Papa.

Carson got a another set of football guys from my mom (so I won’t be so anal about us losing any of the guys), a new truck, a foam horseshoe set, a set of five matchbook VW cars (complete with a orange super beetle!!) and a bunch of Cars stuff. Santa brought Carson a soccer net and a flag football game, and some Cars underpants with a note that said that Carson had to hurry and learn how to go poop on the potty so he could use his new Cars underpants… Nina & Papa got him a hockey guys set, and a little thing with a drill and hammer – which so far are his favorite gifts.

I got the first season of Survivor on DVD, a new sweater, a new purse and a new camera bag (the kind that holds my lenses during my shoot – it isn’t as bulky as my other camera bag – it’s pretty cool!). Rick got a thing to organize screws, nails, etc (why can I not think of what the official name of that?), and a fisheye lens. It’s always cool to give a gift that you can also use as a business expense.

taken with Rick’s new fisheye lens.


It is now two days after Christmas and all the kids are doing are fighting over Carson’s toys.

Here is the note that Santa left for the kids.


Dear Mallory and Carson,

     Thank you so much for the milk and cookies. They were great, and the reindeer enjoyed their carrots too. It looked like you spent so much time decorating this last cookie, I thought I would leave it for the two of you to share.

     Arlo has been reporting to me everyday and he says you have both been good this year. I hope you enjoy the gifts I left for you. Have a great trip to the Sugar Bowl, make sure you listen to your mommy on the way there.

     Love, Santa

     Mallory – the card you made is beautiful. Please hang it with all the wonderful artwork I saw in the hallway.

I love that Rick, I mean Santa, told the kids to be good for me. :-)