FINALLY it was game time!
We hopped on the bus at the hotel to head to the SuperDome. We got the always fun police escort and it took us right down the middle of the trolley tracks on Canal Street. It was awesome, especially when Biggie pointed out (via text) that I was getting a police escort to a tailgate.
Mallory got confused by the scoreboards. She thought that the numbers next to the TOL (Time Outs Left) meant the score. She finally found the real score and said “OH! There it is! It keeps trying to trick me!”
Ryan was a few rows behind us and Carson wanted to sit with him, which was fine until he pooped or butzied and Carson got shipped back to me.
The game wasn’t pretty, but as someone else already said – the win doesn’t come with an asterisk. It was an amazing finish to an incredible season.
Mallory had so much fun she fell asleep during the 4th quarter and I had to carry her out.
It was a long week but glad to wrap it up with the win. I’ll have one more post about silly stuff the kids said during the week. So funny.
How did you manage both kids at the game?? I am IMPRESSED. :)