
Things Carson says…

“Keep your ball on the eye!”

“Why can’t I hit my sister with my hockey stick? I am MEAN at you because you won’t let me hit my sister with my hockey stick.”

“I am OUT OF BOUNDS…now it’s time for my HOCKEY STICK!”

CWB: “I want to read DIS book”.
MCB: “You can’t even read.”
CWB: “Yes I can! I WUV to read this book.”

This morning, I went into Carson’s room to wake him up. He said “I JUST took a NAP and slept right HERE!”. I asked him if he wanted to wake up or if he wanted me to go wake up his sister. He told me “I want you to go wake up my seester.”. I went next door to Mallory’s room and started to talk to her, and Carson yelled “DID YOU WAKE UP MY SEESTER????”

The other night he wanted me to cuddle him for his nap, so I laid down in bed and put my arm around him to cuddle him. He got mad at my hand and moved it off of him, and then said “no…duddle wike DIS!” and snuggled in so our noses were almost touching. (**LOVE!**)

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