
Example 4,384,189

Here is example 4,384,189 of why it’s a good thing I’m not a teacher (because I’m horrible at explaining things). Mallory was asking about how the gas gets out of your car. She asked if it got on fire in the engine.

I really don’t know what happens, but I know there isn’t a fire under my hood, so I told her that no, it just burns up, but it isn’t on fire.

I pointed out how the pavement was wet from the rain last night but in some parts it was already dry, so the water “evaporated”, and how the grass is wet in the morning from dew but then it is dry later – that the wet “evaporated”.

She thought for a minute and said “oh, so it dried up?”

Well, I guess you could say that if you are FIVE.

This was a lot funnier in my head when it happened this morning.