
18-month stats

October 10, 2010

Carson had his 18-mo doctors appointment this week. The doctor was pleased with everything; I think this 18-month appointment is where they can start to evaluate if there are autism issues or something, and while I didn’t have any concerns, it was nice to hear the doctor tell us all was well.
But she was a little concerned that he doesn’t have any understandable words. He does lots of “talking” but we have no idea what he’s saying. He uses sign language for “more” and “all done” and tells us he is thirsty by getting a sippy cup out of the …

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Carson, Mallory

Story Time

October 10, 2010

Carson brought me a book yesterday morning, but I was trying to get out the door for the game so I told him to go ask Mallory to read it to him. He turned on his heel, walked over to Mallory and said “yaaaaeeee guuuuuu yyyaaaaaa” and then Mallory said “OK, I’ll read you a book”, so he turned around and did the big backup-plop onto her lap.

Carson, Mallory

Pumpkin Patch, take 2

October 7, 2010

We tried out a new pumpkin place this year (I promise it had nothing to do with finding a cool place to take pictures…ok, I lie, it was all about that).
It was a little chilly and I probably shouldn’t have let my kids (especially Mallory) run around, let alone run around without a coat on, but I promise that she had it on most of the time. I still haven’t that “money shot” for this year, so we’ll try again next week. I will admit that I think this is cheating since I don’t get this many do-overs with other people’s kids…
And …

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Carson, Mallory

My silly offspring

October 3, 2010

Remember how I wrote a few weeks ago about how hard it’s getting to get a good normal picture of my kids together?
Here’s another example of what happens when I ask them to sit nicely for me.

Carson, video

That’s my dad!

October 2, 2010

Rick got some air time today during the Michigan game; I had to replay it for Carson to see what he’d do when he saw Rick on TV.
I’m so glad I recorded it. LOL.

Carson, Mallory, video

Dance it up!

October 1, 2010

The kids and I got new music this week, courtesy of Miss Header.
(And yes I realize that the song from the second video needs to come out of the rotation for the kids…Mallory learns songs too quickly for me to allow her to get this one in her head, even though the bad word is sort of rubbed out.)

Carson, cousins, Football, Mallory

Bowling Green is a bad team

October 1, 2010

Another nasty rainy cold windy day of tailgating…must be Michigan in September.
It only looks like I’m drinking a bloody mary in this picture, but I promise I’m just holding my mom’s drink while she took our picture.

The funniest thing about this day – Mallory was about to head back into the van – it was freezing, by the way – when she spotted her cousin Lauren about five tailgates away with Gigi. Mallory was in the middle of telling me “I’m going in the van, I’m cold…WAIT – WHAT IS LAUREN EATING???” and Mallory took off …

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Sidewalk 1, Carson 0

September 30, 2010

Oh the wonderful goose eggs my sweet boy gets.
Tonight after Mallory’s dance class, we stopped at Dairy Queen (since I figured it was maybe the last time we would be able to stand outside and eat ice cream until spring) and Carson was running around with his sister and Alli and he took a HUGE header. In my normal fashion, I waited to see if he cried before I reacted.
His reaction to meeting the sidewalk resulted in a sprinting reaction from me. He was S-C-R-E-A-M-I-N-G.
Somehow I wonder if I knew this was going to happen because I happened to tuck …

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Carson, Mallory

Pumpkin Cuteness

September 24, 2010

The weather was spectacular this week so I dragged the kids off to the pumpkin place by our house. I’m realizing that it’s harder to take pictures of my own kids that it is other people’s kids, at least when I have a specific thing I’m trying to accomplish…like a cute picture of my kids TOGETHER sitting with the pumpkins. Carson is at the age where he wants to do EVERYTHING his sister does, so if I want Mallory to sit on the side of the pumpkins, and want to have Carson stand next to her – Carson gives me …

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Almost 18 months

September 14, 2010

I know I’ve been cheating at blogging for the past, say year or so – posting more pictures that I do words. And it bums me out because while the pictures are all cute and great and everything, they don’t really tell the whole story.
So here I am to give you a grand update on my adorable offspring, starting with Carson, aka Carsie, The Carsonator, Buddy, Tank.
TEETH: He’s working on the last of his canines (the other three have been in for a month or so…we’re still waiting on that bottom left one!). Next up will be 2-yr molars.
SLEEPING: Carson …

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