Mallorian, Mallory

Of askidents and snunks

July 5, 2011

Rick & I were talking the other day and I was commenting on how many words we don’t say properly because of the kids – because we say them wrong with the kids and then that becomes our new reality. And then we thought it would be fun to make a list.

Askident = accident. I honestly say askident instead of accident all the time now. I can’t stop.
Flordida = Florida. This is waning because Mallory has been saying it properly for a while now but sometimes we still slip up. Mostly my dad.
Plum trees = palm trees. Adorable.
Ruv/scruv = rub/scrub. …

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Carson, Mallory, rb, stb

I Dee Yit!!!

July 5, 2011

Today was my turn to yell “I DEE YIT!” again ;-)
Rick wanted to water-ski, and seeing as how my dad is leaving tomorrow (and taking his boat with him), today was the last day we had access to a driver so ski Rick did.
He started on the dock and made a loop and then dropped a ski and made another loop. The kids were both yelling and cheering and it was fun.
Rick asked if I was going to go. I tried to say “oh no…that’s OK. it’s too cold…yada blada”.
Then my dad reminded me that Emily hadn’t been able to …

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Carson, friends, Mallory

Fish Kids

July 5, 2011

Our first day “up north” found us in Harbor Springs at the Treehouse with Doug & Sue, et al. We went out to dinner Saturday evening and before dinner the kids all walked the docks and looked at all the boats.
I promise we didn’t plan to have them all wear blue.

from smallest to biggest – Carson (2), Alex (4), Mallory (4), Kaylie (almost 6), and Brendan (9).

Carson, Mallory

The Fourth – 2011

July 5, 2011

It has been a few years since I’ve been up north for the fourth. I used to spend every fourth at my aunt & uncle’s place on Walloon so I was fired up that it worked out that we could come up this week this year. RIck has only been here once, which is surprising to me, given how much I love it, but we’ve taken full advantage of our days up here so far this year.
We came up a few days ago and spent a night with Doug & Sue and their kids in Harbor Springs, and then came …

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Carson, Mallory

Passed out

June 30, 2011

After a long night of playing and eating at Coach Hoke’s house, the kids fell asleep so fast they didn’t have time to get in trouble. Normally Carson gets moved to his crib before either kid falls asleep because they can’t leave each other alone.

Carson, grandpa, Mallory

Another “This is my life” picture post.

June 26, 2011

Mallory in her new Fancy Nancy dress that her Grandma made. And Carson riding the zipline with his sister’s pink sunglasses.
Not sure what else I need to say except thank goodness for days (and laughs) like this to make up for days (and tears) like yesterday.


I can’t get up

June 26, 2011

I am ready to get up and start my day. But the minute I try to roll away from my baby, she rolls closer and does this. I think Rick slept in the three-walls-pink-one-wall-purple room last night (not sure why) so Mallory stayed in here all night. I would love to go get a picture of Rick in mallory’s flower bed but I need Mallory to sleep more so I’m stuck!

cousins, grandpa, Mallory

Brave Girl

June 21, 2011

Father’s Day / Sunday June 19, 2011 / Clear Lake Michigan
Guest Post by Grampa
This Father’s Day, I took my favorite daughter {Samantha}, my two favorite granddaughters {Lauren & Mallory} and two of my favorite grandsons {Liam & Carson} to my co-worker Judi’s house on Clear Lake. Two other little girls that were at Judi’s house (her granddaughter Brynn [7] and her friend Mia [5]) wanted to go tubing so I said I’d tow them around the lake a few times with my boat. My favorite granddaughters Mallory and Lauren wanted to ride in the boat also, and the adult spotter …

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Safety Girl in a Safety Town

June 20, 2011

BIG goings on for my going-to-kindergarten-this-fall little girl.
This week & next – she has SAFETY TOWN, where she learns about, well, safety.
I guess stuff like stranger danger, bus rules, why you need to wear a helmet while riding your bike, etc.
So tonight, after her inaugural “pre-jazz/hip-hop” class (heaven help me if the teacher actually showed her some of the “moves” Mallory showed me tonight), we had her first night of Safety Town.
Carson & I dropped her off. She was, of course, VERY shy and was trying to hide behind me. Carson, on the other hand (when the teacher asked Mallory …

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friends, Mallory


June 20, 2011

Thank goodness for Alli’s mom and her camera for providing us with this memory from THE PLAYDATE this weekend.
All of these girls have been talking for months about wanting to have a playdate and, as mentioned previously, Miss Christine took one for the team and offered to host this monumental THE PLAYDATE.
I made dirt cake for everyone (crushed up oreos with gummy worms and pudding) and stuck flowers in them. My darling daughter proceeded to have a fit when two of her friends picked the pink flower dirt dessert pots. Alli took one for the team and offered to trade …

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