carson, swinging his bat.
mallory, telling carson to be careful because he almost hit her.
carson, swinging again.
mom, hearing THWACK.
mallory, crying.
mom, comforting and getting ice.
mom, taking away a bat.
carson, crying.
carson, timeout-ing.
mallory, icing her head.
mom, asking “i thought carson hit your shin?”
mallory, responding “no, my head.”
mom, confirming “are you sure? i thought it was your leg?”
carson, yelling from his timeout spot “HEAD!”.
Category: Mallory
A day of nothing
Today is a rare day. We have exactly one scheduled thing on the agenda (Mallory has a much hyped playdate with four friends from school…thank you Miss Christine for offering to host this epic PLAYDATE!).
But other than that – we got nothing. We have ribs ready to go for dinner, I’m hoping to get the firepit from my dad so we can do s’mores, and the kids are giving me the best gift of all – naps at the same time – WAHOO!!
But here is what we’ve done so far today. I don’t have a picture of me in here …
Our First Graduation
Mallory’s pre-kindergarten graduation ceremony took place in June. I cried even though Mallory was still going to be going to that same school for the summer before starting *sniff* kindergarten.
It was very cute – both the teacher and the director of the daycare spoke, and then the kids did some of the songs they sing a lot. You could tell which kids didn’t sing the songs a lot at home because their parents were the ones who thought they were hysterical (as opposed to Christine & I who have been hearing our girls sing Tootie-Ta for at least nine months…).
Rick …
Dress Rehearsing
Pictures from Mallory’s dress rehearsal for this year’s dance recital.
I was SO afraid when I saw her dress was yellow, but thank goodness for having a Michigan football obsessed kid because when she saw her dress was yellow, her response was “MOM LOOK! My dress is a Michigan color!!!”
More pictures and video to come later!
These pictures are largely unedited – please don’t judge me
Yup, I went there.
The opportunity presented itself so I just did it. If it had been more socially acceptable, I would have thrown my arms around Denard and gotten a picture of me with him too.
Rick was mildly embarrassed taking the pictures. Mallory didn’t want to be in the picture (she’s looking at me who snuck out of the frame just as Rick took the picture), and Carson was just mad it wasn’t Biggie he was getting his picture taken with.
This young man is special. Every single person that has interacted with him talks about how cute and polite and real he is.
Last …
Just My Kids
Just my kids again. Oh right, it’s my blog. I don’t need to tell you that. You already know these are my kids.
Anyway, I was playing with my new lens again the other day. The kids were on the porch watching Rick spray fertilizer. Mallory shared her tootsie pop with her brother while she tried to measure him.
This is my life.
Mom is boring
MCB: “Mom, what day did you get boring?”
Good thing I knew that she meant “what day did you get BORN?”, as in “when is your birthday?”.
My miles
I got a new lens the other day, which meant I wanted to play and play and play with it. Mallory was my semi-unwilling model. Unwilling in the sense that she wouldn’t sit and let me actually practice for reals, but willing in the sense that she would smile while doing her running, because she had to do her “miles” with her jogging stroller.
Pay no mind to the orange V-8 juice mustache.
That’s my iPhone on the front of her stroller so she could have music while did her “miles”.
Oh, and you probably forgot we have a dog. Here he is.
Gentle Feet
Mallory wanted to take Cooper for a walk today because she wanted to push her jogging stroller around the block.
I can’t get over how chunk-a-licous Carson’s legs look in these pictures. He is starting to lose some of his chunk but his legs honestly look like tree trunks in these mesh shorts and the little white socks and adidas shoes. I can’t STAND it.
With all the rain we’ve had, the kids & I have done some worm hunting. Which then morphed in to Carson hunting for every bug and worm and dead dandelion stem (because when dandelions are dead, their …
Whatever works, I guess
The past two nights are the first nights in forever that Mallory didn’t fall asleep in our bed and didn’t have a fit about it.
We just set up the little toddler bed in Carson’s room, because we think he’s getting close to trying to climb out of his crib. Carson thought his new bed was pretty cool, but chose his crib at bedtime.
Mallory, however, wanted to sleep in the little bed in his room so we let her. Rick and I are still amazed that we didn’t hear one word from either of them and they both fell right asleep …