
The Daily Picture

May 15, 2011

One of Rick’s new computer picture-video projects is a plan to take pictures of the kids every day and then make one of those super-fast videos as you watch them grow over the year. Sounds fun, in theory, but we’ll see how he does (he’s already missed at least two days this week…).
Yesterday our darling daughter was in a goofy mood when Rick tried to take her picture and all I could hear was Rick laugh-yelling “MALLORY! STOP IT!” with Mallory also giggling almost uncontrollably. A couple of “KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN, MALLORY” were thrown in too.
She thinks she is …

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Carson, Mallory


May 14, 2011

My kids are turning into some pretty fierce softball fans this year – it’s pretty fun to watch…both my kids and the games, since we can now stay for the whole game instead of me fighting to keep them entertained. Both kids yell “LET’S GO BLUE!!!” (“WES GO BOOOO” in Carson’s case) and shake their pompoms most of the game. We’re trying to teach Mallory about the scoreboard and how to tell how many runs we have…that’s pretty fun to watch too, when she yells out “MOM!! MICHIGAN HAS SEVEN AND THE SPARTIES ONLY HAVE ZERO!!!”.
One game I do play, …

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Mallory, stb

The Woi-al Wedding

May 11, 2011

Like lots of girls my age (or are we ladies now?), I remember when Princess Diana and Prince Charles got married. My friends & I used to argue over who got to have the fake name of “Princess Diana” when we played. Yes, we were ridiculous.
So…when this new Royal Wedding came upon us, I will admit to getting caught up in the hoopla. Not enough to plan a big party or take the day off work to celebrate, but I was excited about it. I set the DVR and planned to watch it with Mallory when we got home from …

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My Soul Sister.

May 9, 2011

My favorite thing about Mother’s Day yesterday?
Driving with all the windows down…
singing “Hey Soul Sister” with Mallory…
into our thumb microphones.
I was smiling from my head to my toes, seeing my big girl in my rear-view mirror, rocking out with her mama.
Carson piping in with a little “heeeeeyyyyyyyy” at the right times was just the cherry on top.


An afternoon to remember

May 7, 2011

Big afternoon for Mallory today!

We broke out the pottery wheel that Grandpa gave her for her birthday. I’d told her she had to wait until it was warm enough to do it outside and today was the day. We failed miserably trying to make anything out of the clay. I’ll make Rick try again with her tomorrow.
Mallory tried rollerblading for the first time today too. She was PETRIFIED at first but quickly got brave and made her way up & down the sidewalk with both me and Rick. She was so proud of herself.
This isn’t really a “first” but it’s …

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Carson, Mallory

But it’s FINE!

May 4, 2011

Any morning that I leave for work and the kids are up, they want to wave at me from the front door – so after I pull out of the garage and start up the street, I have to stop and turn on the overhead light in my awesome mini-van and wave and blow kisses for about 10 seconds before I can continue on my way to work. Some days I’m in such a hurry that I forget to stop and wave and usually Mallory calls me in TEARS because I forgot to wave to her & Carson.
This morning I …

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Mallory, stb

Cupcake Day

May 3, 2011

I saw a recipe for cupcakes that have chocolate chip cookie dough inside them. And since I love cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies, I decided Mallory & I should make them. And since I am not remotely a baker, I bought refridgerated chocolate chip cookie dough, and a box of yellow cupcake batter, and Mallory & I went to town. You may not think these look that awesome, but believe me, they are. And I will be making them again soon. Perhaps for the game this weekend.
I do have this to say – apparently that I’m better at taking pictures …

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That’s my girl!

May 2, 2011

She may not look like me but she is her mommy’s daughter, falling asleep reading a People magazine.