Carson, friends, Mallory

Mad Scientists

May 1, 2011

It was Rick’s birthday yesterday and we had some friends meet us out for a little bowling party. I will admit that my four year old daughter beat me in the first game (hey – she had bumpers and one of those ramp thingies) but I came back strong in the second game. But that’s not the point of the story.
It’s sort of hard to watch all of these Fish kids grow up so fast. I love watching them all be such great friends. Mallory and Kaylie (of “Kaylie’s Kloset”, the source of most of Mallory’s cool clothes) are HYSTERICAL …

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Love this kid

April 23, 2011

me: “I love you Mallsy”
MCB: “I love you too, Mommy.”
me: “I love you more.”
MCB: “I love you up to the AIRPLANES.”
me: “I love you up to the SUN.”
MCB: “I love YOU up higher up past the sun up higher than what you love me.”
me: “Well, I love YOU up higher than what you love me.”
MCB: “I love you everywhere like the comet Earth.”
I’m not sure what the comet Earth is but I’m hoping it’s the hugest, tallest, biggest thing there ever is.

Mallory, rb

Perfect Sunday afternoon

April 17, 2011

I think Rick needed the nap more than Mallory did, but either way – I’m glad they got their snuggle on this afternoon.


This is why I blog

April 17, 2011

I jotted this down yesterday and already today I can’t remember the context.
But it’s still funny.
“Don’t worry Carson – I can handle it.”


To K or not to K.

April 12, 2011

I will preface this post with the statement that these are my opinions and how they relate to my daughter. I am fully aware that every kid is different and every parent has to make decisions based on their individual situations!
I don’t know that Rick & I have ever struggled with a decision as much as we have with trying to figure out whether to send Mallory to Kindergarten this fall or not. I think Rick has struggled with lots of decisions this much (for instance, deciding whether or not to throw away his 30-yr old rusty Bengals garbage …

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That Malsey

April 2, 2011

I just went to check on Mallory because she’s supposed to be "napping" – which means she is supposed to be in her bed, reading books and being quiet, with the hopes that she actually falls asleep.
So – she wasn’t in her bed – she was sitting on the floor of her room doing her "Bawbie" head’s hair.
I asked what happened with the nap and she said
"Well, I was about to take a nap but but then I got untired".

Carson, Mallory

Tonight…we bowl.

March 29, 2011

Well, it wasn’t really TONIGHT. And it wasn’t last night, really. It was really the other morning. But I couldn’t resist a little Grease 2 reference…
We took the kids bowling the other day. And if you’ve never seen adorable little size 8 bowling shoes, you are missing out. O.M.G.
Rick & I had gone bowling two days before and my thumb got wrecked (like nerves are missing in it still today – it’s tingly and numb, oh but I DID bowl a 165), so just Rick & the kids bowled on Sunday. We had the gutter bumper things up and the …

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She Rocks.

March 24, 2011

Last class of rock climbing (for this session – she says she wants to do it again…) was yesterday. They headed to the big gym and Mallory climbed all the way to the top of the wall (~50’)!
Between Mallory, Allison, and two boys in the class – only the girls climbed to the top. The boys (who are the same age or a little older than the girls) barely went a third of the way up the wall. Girls rule, boys drool.
I am proud of my dress-wearing, wall-climbing, tap-dancing, ice-skating, football loving, smart little pumpkinhead girl.

Carson, Mallory


March 21, 2011

Watching my kids sleep is one of the saddest parts of my day. I can’t help but think, as I see them snoozing, that tonight is the last night they will be this little.
The way Mallory ends up cuddled in my spot of our king bed, her bears and books spread all over the place, and usually some random piece of kid jewelry on my nightstand.
And the way Carson is usually flat on his back, his puppy blankets not far from his hands, paci on the bed next to his head, and his sweet little lips still puckered up like …

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Carson, Mallory, stb, video

Work Outing

March 20, 2011

My neighbor had this really fun idea that we should do this wacky workout video thing for thirty straight days and while she missed one day so far (something about running a race made her unable to do day 13), I’ve been able to keep up the streak…and today was day 20. Tomorrow starts the last third of the challenge – with level 3 – and the end is in sight. We get to have a fun night out as a reward for completing the challenge.
Amy & I usually meet up before work at 5am to get it over with …

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