This should be added to my “a day in the life” post…
When we get home from school and come in through the door from the garage, Mallory asks Carson if he wants to shut the door: “Carson, can you shut the door for me? Can you? Oh thanks!”
Then when we get inside, she helps him take his coat & shoes off.
Then she asks him if he wants to play.
Today it was “Carson, do you want to play with your football guys? Do you? Do you want me to play with you? Do you want the field too? Okay!”
After …
Category: Mallory
Cookies Cookies and More Cookies
I think I’ve told y’all before but my sister likes to make a lot of Christmas cookies, so the kids get to decorate a lot of Christmas cookies. They usually get bored after about 10 minutes, and then Emily & I get stuck quickly doing the rest.
I now present to you the 2010 edition of Cookie Decorating.
And then Carson got really bored.
And then we lured him back with some more cookies (the problem is that he’d start to decorate one and then immediately start to eat it…and he plays that “I can’t talk so I obviously don’t understand what you …
A Day in our Life
Totally copying this idea from a few other blogs I read…I wish I’d started it when Mallory was born, and done it every 6 months or so. Oh well – better late than never…so here we go!
Our “school-day” mornings usually start with my alarm going off sometime between 5 & 5.30a. If the alarm sounds closer to 5a and actually does the additional job of saying “GET YOUR A$$ IN FRONT OF THE TV AND DO YOUR WORKOUT VIDEO”, I’ll work out and then start getting ready for work.
Then I wake Rick up ~6a, and then the kids. The order …
No words
I really think there are no words for this picture. She’s out of control.
ps – those are her (clean) underpants and my glasses.
That was neat.
I finally went to bed early for the first time this week, only to have my “get a good night’s sleep” efforts foiled by my kids.
I need to back up. Apparently our new house has the suckiest heating and/or insulation in the entire universe. Our first floor programmable thermostat would be set to 68 and the second floor (where the bedrooms and our showers are) would register a toasty 64 degrees. SIXTY FOUR. As in holy cold, Batman.
Thus I was sleeping on a heating pad set on medium every single night. It was taking me an hour to …
Big House Skate
Big goings-on in the Big House this week – they put in a hockey rink so that Michigan and MSU can play on Saturday in front of a world-record 100,000+ people! They have had all sorts of games being played this week for all different levels of hockey, and tonight they let athletic department folks and their families come skate.
Before our skate, we watched Brendan skate in a game. When we walked in the stadium for that game (without Rick), Mallory had questions about the big machinery that was outside Rick’s football equipment room. I explained it was the refrigeration …
Picking Battles
I got Mallory dressed in a pretty dress this morning for church. As soon as we got home, she changed into a Fancy Nancy dress. But then she had to go potty really really bad so off came that dress and after going potty, she realized that the Fancy Nancy dress bugs her, so she just hung out in her underwear.
She watched an entire movie in the basement in just her underwear and when I asked if she wanted to run to the grocery store with me she said “SURE! BUT I HAFTA WEAR THE DRESS WHAT I WANT TO …
Listening to God
I think I’ve mentioned before that Mallory has a children’s bible that she loves. She calls it her “God Book” and she asks for it at bedtime more than I thought she would.
I’m not super religious (or even moderately religious), and there are some Catholic things I don’t agree with, but I feel that God loves us all. And since I went to Catholic school for eight years (and went to church 1-2 times a week for those eight years), I still feel *something* when I go to church. I can still remember all the rituals and routines of …
Bath time tonight – the kids chose our bathtub.
Carson is standing up in the tub, which is filling with water, and starts to pee.
Mallory gives me a sideways glance and says “sometimes I do that.”
We cheated
I think it killed my husband a little bit today, but we bought a fake Christmas tree this year. Rick grew up working for his grandparent’s garden center in Cincinnati and at Christmas time, he was on tree delivery duty. He’s a little bit thorough (ok, a LOT thorough) when we shop for Christmas trees (well, he’s thorough about really anything we’re going to spend money on) – and buying a tree usually takes us an hour or so (and that’s even just going to a place where they have the trees already cut – it’s not like we’re hiking …