I seem to find these a lot when I’m browsing my computer, trying to clean up miscellaneous files.
Mallory is about 28 months old in this video, about 1.5 months away from meeting her new sibling, and couldn’t have been cuter.
It’s long, but worth it (at least for the grandparents).
Category: Mallory
I wrote before about how Mallory told me that when she gets to be a mommy, she is going to go to sleep at the same time as her kids.
Tonight she told me that again, and then she added: “AND I’m going to let them have MORE dessert after their first dessert.”
Mallorian – October 2010 update
I haven’t done a post dedicated to Mallory’s funny ways of saying things in a while so I figured now was as good of time as any.
She still says “snunk” for skunk and can’t pronounce her Rs properly. She also still has a lisp when she says her Ss and when I try to get her to say them properly, she says it makes her voice funny. Huh? I’m interested to see what they say about her speech at her 4-yr appointment next month. She is super verbal but just those two little things that she is still struggling …
Check out my “Shiny Finger”
Nevermind her bajillion bug bites, please.
Last month, Mallory asked me to paint each of her fingers a different shade of pink.
It worked out that her middle finger ended up with a very pale, but shiny, shade of pink.
As Rick was loading them in the car before school, Mallory showed Rick her “Shiny Finger”.
Nice, Mals.
Needless to say, I won’t paint all of her fingers different colors anymore.
I need to revise Mallory’s calendar to include “Monday is SHARING day”, which comes after Sunday “Staying home day”.
Sharing Day in the Bumblebee room has been a cluster for us. Mondays are hectic enough as it is, let alone trying to remember something for Mallory to bring for sharing. So Rick & I were pretty happy when we remembered Sharing Day the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of school.
That is, until Alli’s mom mentioned something about remembering what LETTER they were on for Sharing Day.
Wait – WHAT??
The calendar they send home every month, has a letter …
That’s my girl
Story Time
Carson brought me a book yesterday morning, but I was trying to get out the door for the game so I told him to go ask Mallory to read it to him. He turned on his heel, walked over to Mallory and said “yaaaaeeee guuuuuu yyyaaaaaa” and then Mallory said “OK, I’ll read you a book”, so he turned around and did the big backup-plop onto her lap.
The green team
Michigan hosted Michigan State this week. Both teams were undefeated and ranked (MSU #17, UM #18) so there was a TON of hype surrounding the game. I chose to not take the kids (Emily already had a babysitter at her house so I added my kids to her mix) and that proved to be a bad decision, since Michigan has won every game they’ve gone to this year – which is every game that they could realistically make (I’m not crazy enough to drag them on a 6-hr each way road trip to Indiana last weekend).
ANYWAY – this week …
Quarterback Math
We were re-watching the end of the UM-IU game this morning before school, and the announcers said something like “…but Denard isn’t wearing red” (or something like that). Mallory asked me what that meant and I somehow explained that they were joking that IU wishes Denard played for them.
Without skipping a beat she said, “YEAH! Because then we wouldn’t have three quarterbacks!”
I asked how many we’d have if he did play for IU and she said “just two”.
Pumpkin Patch, take 2
We tried out a new pumpkin place this year (I promise it had nothing to do with finding a cool place to take pictures…ok, I lie, it was all about that).
It was a little chilly and I probably shouldn’t have let my kids (especially Mallory) run around, let alone run around without a coat on, but I promise that she had it on most of the time. I still haven’t that “money shot” for this year, so we’ll try again next week. I will admit that I think this is cheating since I don’t get this many do-overs with other people’s kids…
And …