This post is being written about 11 weeks after the fact, but because it was Carson’s first road game, I figured it was better late than never (written 11 weeks late, but I set the post date to be closer in line with when we the events occurred…)
OK, now that we have the formalities out of the way.
Everyone said I was nuts to take the kids to an away game, but for me it is easier to take them on an adventure like that than be stuck at home finding ways to entertain them all day.
I enlisted the help of …
Category: Mallory
My Bargain Shopper
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a funny phone call from Mallory’s BFF’s mom, with a funny story about the girls. But it was worth the wait, because it was a doozy. :-)
Apparently yesterday at school, the girls were playing “Payer” (based on the context, Christine interpreted this as the girls playing “store”) and Mallory was buying bugs from Allison.
But then Mallory came back and told Allison that she had to return the bugs “because they weren’t on sale”.
* * *
What’s really funny about that story is the conversation that Mallory & I had that later very night (before …
Yo, Cuz…
I totally meant to head downtown to check out this cool photography spot but instead we just hung out at Aunt Emily’s for a while.
Unfortunately this picture is semi-out of focus in real life – but it’s still pretty cute.
Shane wasn’t interested in hanging with the little kids, so he headed back to his Nintendo DS cave.
And then, because I can – I took a whole bunch of pictures of my baby boy (he was in a trance watching his sister and cousins run around the yard like the crazy people that they are).
Bumblebees and Caterpillars
The first day of school for us wasn’t too special, since both of my kids were still going to the same daycare…but they did both move up a room, so I jumped on the “first day of school” bandwagon and took first day of school pictures.
Mallory is in pre-kindergarten this year (the Bumblebee room), and Carson graduated from the Inchworm room and is now a big Caterpillar!
It was really windy (it has been for days). Not so great when two of the four people in the picture have long hair, so we tried again with the dog – …
I am so glad today is over. I was so nervous going into it – I just wanted the game to be over. I wanted to know how the team looked, I wanted to know who was going to start, etc. You’d think since Rick is at practice every day he’d give me some scoop but he doesn’t tell me anything. Blah.
We had a new tailgate spot today and we also had very unseasonably freezing cold weather. Well, it wasn’t really freezing, but there were like million-mile-per-hour winds. Well, they weren’t really a million miles per hour but the temps …
I never want to forget these.
Mallory first said this on our trip to California back in January and I don’t know that I ever posted about it – but she called PALM trees PLUM trees. She did it again on our trip to Florida in May.
I need to get it on video.
Her latest is scream cheese. I kept thinking she meant cream cheese, but what she really means when she says scream cheese is STRING cheese.
Is it that obvious?
We walked up to the grocery store after school today (oh yeah, if I ever finished that post about our new house, you’d know that we are 2.5 blocks from a grocery store!) and Mallory rode her pink bike and wore her pink helmet. This was the first time she could ride her pink bike to the store because we just got her a pink bike lock.
So as we locked up her pink bike with her pink bike lock, and she took off her pink Princess helmet and hung it on the handlebars of her pink bike, a nice …
Noisy Shoes
Mallory graduated to pre-ballet & tap this summer (from her regular old creative movement dance class she was in last year).
They alternate weeks of ballet & tap and you know I keep the tap shoes in the car lest I forget what week we are on and don’t have them with us.
Today was the last day of class so we asked (and were granted) permission to watch class. And because I’m *that mom*, I had my camera.
Good thing, because if I hadn’t brought my camera – who would have gotten a picture of Mallory’s super-wedgie?
And we wouldn’t have this picture …
Sometimes, a picture just won’t do
Imagine I wrote a post here about my sweet son, and how he has learned to wink. It started out with him trying to imitate me winking at him and has progressed to him winking on command {making my kids do silly things is truly one of my most favorite things about being a mom…}.
Carson winking consists of him squeezing both eyes tight. It is beyond adorable and I can’t stand it. I do need to get an actual picture so when I make a book from my blog, I have a record of it (but maybe in a few …
My competition.
Looks as though I don’t have to look very far for my closest photography competition.
Mallory told me tonight:
“I have to do some work.
I have to order some pictures that I took with my polka dot camera. Maybe when I turn 4, I can get some makeup and a phone and a computer….
Ok, I have to order some pictures. Don’t bug me.”
Oh Lord, that kid kills me.