
Mallory & her tri-bike

July 9, 2010

Not sure really how or when she saw Rick ride his bike like this, but the other night in the driveway, she put her arms out the front of her handlebars and told Rick she was riding like how he does.

She might just be the first triathlete to ride in a pink Disney Princess helmet though ;-)

Mallory, words

A new one from Mallory

July 7, 2010

While struggling to pull up underpants or shorts that might be a smidge too small, Mallory will complain that they are “too heavy” to pull up by herself, and asks for help.

Mallory, rb

Working it.

June 29, 2010

MCB, from our bed where she is supposed to be asleep: “Dad? DAD!? Will you cuddle with me?”
RB, to me: “Why does she always ask me?”
STB, to RB: “Because she knows you won’t say no.”
RB, to Mallory: “No!”
MCB, from still in our bed: “But I’ve been a good girl”.
And off he went.
I’d say Mallory has Rick wrapped around her finger.


Lesson Learned

June 28, 2010

Daycare called me today and asked me to come get Mallory…because she had a bead stuck up her nose. I raced out of work, not sure what to expect. Was she in distress? I know it’s not life threatening, but would I need to take her to the emergency room or her regular doctor? I called her pediatrician’s office and they had to call me back with a 3:15p appointment. Next call was to my sister, who advised me to not let Mallory drink or eat anything “just in case” they had to put her under anesthesia to remove the …

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Mallory, video

My diving fish

June 27, 2010

Mallory has been INSANE with her swimming development the past two weekends. Just yesterday she started jumping off the side to me and then swimming about 7’ under water to reach me. I can’t get over how much fear she’s let go of in just two weeks. She bosses my mom around all over the pool, telling her to be the nice shark. Mallory is also diving down to the bottom of the shallow end (as well as her still-covered-in-baby-fat-body will let her sink!).
Mallory told me yesterday that she would jump off the diving board but Rick told me I …

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When Mallory Grows Up

June 25, 2010

I asked Mallory the other day what she wanted to be when she got bigger.
Her reply was “When I get bigger, I’m going to have a wedding. And wear a dress like the one in the picture that was on the wall by our table in our house (our wedding picture)” She has an insanely weird photographic-like memory for stuff like this – it’s bizarre.
I asked what she wanted to do for her job. She said she wanted to do what I do at my work. Really?
Me: “But don’t you maybe want to be a doctor? Or a ballerina?”
Sweet …

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The Polite Police

June 22, 2010

I’ve totally been meaning to write about this for a while and must do it before she (hopefully) outgrows it.
So – for a long time, Mallory has been telling us “it’s not polite to put our feet on the table” and “it’s not polite to burp” etc. I love that she is so aware about her manners, so it was really cute that she knew the rules.
But it’s gotten out of hand.
Now it’s “it’s NOT POLITE to tell people NO” and “it’s NOT POLITE to tell people to STOP DOING THINGS”.
Can you guess who I’m saying …

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Carson, Mallory, video

Busy busy busy

June 20, 2010

Ahhh…the kids are in bed before 7.30p (not without some screaming and crying, and not necessarily just by the little kids).
Hectic busy weekend and we didn’t even leave Ann Arbor (unless you count Dexter and Saline?).
Anyways…I am going to try to get back into the almost everyday journal/blogging mode. I am so far behind since I’ve yet to post about Disney so I keep thinking I need to finish that first – i’m almost done but too much other stuff is going to be forgotten if I don’t post it now.
Friday was the end of year party at Mallory’s school. …

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friends, Mallory, video

Mallorina the Ballerina

June 11, 2010

Mallory’s very first dance recital is this weekend. I am so stinking excited I can hardly stand it. I took ballet (and tap and toe) for eight years but didn’t start when I was three. Mallory LOVES dance class and loves when it’s Thursday because it’s “dance class day”.
Her dress rehearsal was last night and it was the only time we were able to take pictures and video. Here is a little sampling of the 27+ minutes of footage that Rick took. He has plans (in his free time) to make a little movie with video of her getting ready …

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