Mallory’s dance recital is next weekend and tonight was picture night. The girls got to get all dolled up in their costumes, complete with hair & makeup. :-)
How cute are these girls?
Category: Mallory
My sweet sleeper
Two curly girls in dresses
Just curly-haired Mallory and her curly-haired cousin Lauren, rocking a maxi-dress and a mini-dress.
Princess Bossy-pants
A week or so ago, Mallory picked up her pretend black.berry phone and dialed some numbers.
MCB: “I’m calling grandpa – be quiet."
She put the phone to her ear, crossed her legs and looked off into the distance.
Looking back at me (who wasn’t saying a word), she said: “Be quiet.”
Looking at me again, she said: “Ok, sing a song.”
STB: “But you told me to be quiet!”
MCB: “Well every time you are on the telephone, I sing songs.”
Well, hellllooooooo
Hey there.
It’s been awhile.
I think the longest blogging absence since I started this blog. Maybe it ties the longest absence. But anyway. It’s been a long time, and I feel TERRIBLE about it.
So – I’m going to give you a couple of Mallory gems to get us started, and then I’ll get you caught up on our doings.
At dinner one night, Rick asked Mallory to do something (probably along the lines of “sit on your bottom” or “use your fork” or “stop bothering your brother during dinner”), and Mallory followed direction immediately, which is always a bonus. …
Part two – Disney May 2010
FINALLY! The rest of the writeup from our trip to Florida in May!
One of the good things about waiting three months to write about a vacation is that I’ve forgotten stuff so I now I don’t have to write so much!
Monday morning was breakfast with the princesses at Epcot. Mallory was giddy as the princesses started coming through the room but was beyond shy when they came to our table. Carson wasn’t shy – he kept shoving food in his mouth the whole time. It was awesome though – because all of the princesses spoke just as you would think …
Flordida – 2010, Part I { the real recap }
Better late than never, eh?
So – we went to Orlando in May 2010 so Rick could do a triathlon. Seems that most of our vacation are “working” vacations, we never go anywhere just for the heck of it. My dad & Shaners came with us, and Rick’s entire family met up with us down there. Here weego.
Friday – travel day to Flordida. Mallory was concerned that the captain of the airplane wouldn’t know where we were going and told me she’d tell him. She was obsessed with finding our gate (love that she knows her numbers so I could tell …
Two extremes
Here are two extremes of Mallory at Disney this week – one is “super-shy, wouldn’t look at the princesses” Mallory, and the other is “hands-up on the 60mph+ Test Track Ride at Epcot.
Lots more pictures and words to come but this is all I’ve got for now. We are packing up and heading north later today.
“Flordida” 2010, Part II
And…here’s the rest of our trip!
So, Monday the 17th we had scheduled breakfast with the princesses at Epcot. When we woke that morning, I told Mallory “Happy PRINCESS DAY!”. With three-year-old attitude and sass, she looked at me and said “princesses don’t say that.”.
Anyway…I’d brought Mallory’s Little Mermaid costume, thinking she would want to wear that to the breakfast, but my spinny-dress-loving girl kept with tradition and wore…a spinny dress.
I need to insert here that my dad was wearing a walking boot on his leg because of some pretty bad plantar fasciitis, so we’d rented him a little scooter to …
Just my kids
Oh right, this is a blog about my kids. So here are some more pictures of my kids. I think I’ve given up on trying to get one of the two of them together.