Carson, Mallory

A Trio of Spring Pictures

April 14, 2010

Just a few snapshots I took of my chill’en today. Carson refuses to sit still for a single picture so I am afraid that I’ve joined the ranks of those moms who will never have a good picture of their kids together again for a long time. I mean, honestly, look at the stink-eye I’m getting in that second picture because how DARE I make him sit next to the flowers with his sister?

A funny about Mallory’s ring: she told me that I have a sparkly ring and she has a sparkly ring but that my …

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Mallory, video

Two for Tuesday

April 13, 2010

A few video gems for you.
This first one – please ignore her FABULOUS ladylike table manners and pay attention to how she tells you that sometimes “knifes” aren’t “shark”. She says SHARK for SHARP. Isn’t that so funny and adorably awesome?

* * *
This one is just funny to hear her tell me how to carefully remove her band aid and then she pulls it off herself. And her diagnosis for what happened to her knee: “well, I SCRAPED my knee from when I was PLAYING out-SIDE!”


A pregnant pepperoni

April 9, 2010

Who knew that pepperonis could have “big tummies”?
Well, Mallory declared it so tonight during dinner, because apparently the rounded pepperoni looks like a big tummy.

Mallory, video

Rock on!

April 5, 2010

Mallory started rock climbing class last week with her friend Cafrine & Cafrine’s brother. It’s an hour long and the moms were concerned about it being an hour long…but the kids all LOVE it.
Shocker of all shockers, I didn’t have my camera with me last week, and an even bigger shocker – I didn’t bring it this week either. But at least this week I didn’t bring Carson so I could watch more of the class and I was able to shoot some video and some pictures with my phone.
Last week I asked Mallory if she wore a belt and …

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Carson, Mallory

Soooo behind

April 4, 2010

You are getting a bulleted post today because I can’t formulate real writing right now. Must be my age.

Carson is almost totally weaned. I am amazed that I made it a year. He’s nursing once or twice a day now and this morning was the first time in a month or so that he came to our bed early in the morning to nurse. It was very sweet. And then this afternoon he was getting fussy and I turned around to see him crawling towards me, dragging my nursing cape behind him. Yeah, that was really great for the mom …

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A lost picture

March 25, 2010

I took this picture with my iPhone last summer and never shared it here. 

Carson, Mallory

What they’re up to…

March 23, 2010

Mallory’s latest “things”:

Mallory. Mallory Mallory Mallory. She continues to be awesome and fun and smart and sassy and bratty and silly and loveable and oh so three.
She’s been able to count forever, but just this week she’s started to count on her fingers. Who’d have thought that flipping up one finger at a time could be so difficult. It’s so funny.
She’s been working on her letters – BIG TIME. She is constantly spelling her name, and Carson’s name and Mom and Dad. She’s started to identify letters on signs as we’re driving, and tonight she got grumpy because she could …

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Carson, Mallory, video

My Mobile Baby Boy!

March 23, 2010

The video speaks for itself…

Carson’s been taking some steps for the past few weeks but just this past weekend he’s really started walking for real. He seems to do it more when we aren’t egging him on – apparently my “Look at him go!!!” cheer scares him. Especially because now Mallory will get him up on his feet to make him walk, and then SHE yells “LOOK AT YOU GO!!!!”
I think crawling is still his preferred mode of transportation but we’re having fun watching him learn his new skill.



March 17, 2010

Watching the Olympics, a commercial with Apolo Anton Ono – skating on a track by himself – came on and Mallory asked “where are his friends?”.
Watching women’s ice skating, she asked “where are the daddies?”.
In Chicago on the metra – she said she didn’t like that train because she only likes pink trains.

Carson, Mallory

We are READY for spring!

March 17, 2010

I’m pretty fired up about the weather breaking (even though it’s going to get yucky again next week). It was so fun to be outside with both kids yesterday!
 Checking his blindspot… 
Mallory giving him a fill-up

What a sweetpea