Normally dance class is held back in a secret room, and the parents aren’t allowed to watch. Mostly I think because we are a HUGE distraction to the girls and they won’t focus on the teachers. But once in a while, they let us watch, and Thursday was one of those days.
How cute are these little girls, with their tongues sticking out in some serious concentration? You can see “Cafrine” (Catherine) and Alli in the first three pictures.
The girls are gearing up for their June recital. I can’t wait.
Category: Mallory
Sweet Cheeks
Mallory’s Faces
Um, yeah.
These don’t need any introduction. Just enjoy the goofball that is my daughter.
SUPER happy face
Sad face
Angry face
I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve been here, but I’ve been busy being a fancy wedding photographer and all so my little blog got neglected (post a comment if you want access to the wedding pictures!). But, just because I haven’t been oversharing here doesn’t mean I haven’t been recording funny stuff to share with you. So, here are the gems from the past couple of weeks.
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All three of my sister’s kids were sick with strep throat a few weeks ago. Mallory kept telling me that Lauren has “stripe throat”.
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STB: “you’re my favorite girl”
MCB: …
More Beauty School Dropout
I got to watch about 2 hours of the Olympics a couple of weeks ago by letting Mallory play with my hair.
I’ll admit that I actually put this ponytail in (just because Mallory can’t do ponytails yet), but this ponytail was placed right where she instructed me to.
Luckily she was OK with me redoing my hair before we left the house later that day.
PS – I can’t believe I am posting this picture of me with no makeup on. Blech.
For all of you who are jealous of Mallory’s curls…be happy you don’t have to tame this mess:
This is how she looks most mornings. It takes detangling spray, water spray, and curl-enhancing spray (and patience!) to fix it and make it pretty.
What are they doing?
I need to check myself before starting silly games with Mallory.
Earlier today, I asked her if the people on TV were skating or skiing. She told me “dey are skiing”. I asked “Oh, skating or skiing?” – and she responded “DEY ARE SKIING!” – and we did that over & over again. Because it was funny to hear her get frustrated with me.
So now speed skating is on, and I mentioned “oh, they are skating!”.
Mallory from the bathroom says “are dey SKIING or SKATING?”. I told her “SKATING!”
Little stinkerstein says back “oh, are dey SKIING or SKATING?”
Over and over again. …
Major problems
So I’m having major problems with my blog publishing software – and I’m mad because I have a bajillion words in my head and pictures on my computer to share with you but I’m obsessed with figure this out so my blogging will have to wait. At least until tomorrow.
But in case you didn’t know – Mallory only likes pink snow.
Jewel Thief
Oh, she loves my rings.
She asked to wear them tonight and then she promptly passed out next to me on the couch. I love the contrast of my rings resting on her bear blankie.
Mallory Speaks
“co-operter” = cooperative
“lemolade” is still a favorite, as is “compudeeder”. I don’t know if we ever posted the video but Mallory says “snunk” for “skunk”. It’s gotten to the point where if you ask her what that black & white stinky animal is, she gets all shy and won’t answer, because she knows we are making fun of her.
Her rationale for things is hysterical. “We don’t have to get out of the pool because anyone doesn’t want to so we don’t have to get out of the pool”.
She also now tells us not to laugh at her when she says …