Carson, Mallory

Dashing through the snow…

February 13, 2010

You knew these were coming – what with all the snow we got last week. We took to the hill in the woods by our house. Cooper had a blast being crazy snow dog – it’s so funny to watch him go nuts in the deep snow, because his front legs get buried and he ends up doing a flip. Probably need to make sure gets an anti-inflammatory today.
Mallory trying to bury herself:
Carson wasn’t a big fan of the snow:

Carson sort of liked riding down the hill:
A flash of me being a fun mom:
And then Mallory rode down the …

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My Ballerina

February 7, 2010

I’ve found Mallory practicing her ballet positions a lot lately. She hardly ever will do them when I ask her to, so imagine my surprise when she actually let me photograph her.

How cute are her little pointed toes ?


A Little Fish in a Big Pond

February 1, 2010

Our sweet little girl is growing up way too fast.
Mallory has always loved swim class – I think she mostly liked the 30 minutes of one-on-one play time with Rick (and sometimes me) during our parent-tot class. But at the end of the last session, the teacher said Mallory should move up to the preschool class. “But she’s just barely THREE!” I told the teacher. She assured me she’d do fine.
Tonight was the first night of Mallory being in the pool without us. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t go so well and we’d end up with both …

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Let’s hope so!

January 29, 2010

So, our house is on the market as a rental right now. We had someone come check it out today but as of yet they haven’t called to say they love it and want to rent it. But we are still out checking out other houses to try to have an idea of what we like in case we are able to move.
I drove past one of the houses this afternoon and told Mallory that we were going to check it out on Sunday, because it’s for sale.
Mallory’s response: “Yeah! We can go look at that house because …

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Carson, cousins, Mallory


January 28, 2010

Mallory’s cousin came to play this past weekend. 
The girls get a little out of control when they get together.

Lauren is the dress-up QUEEN and probably the biggest reason why Mallory loves her dresses so much (remember it was Lauren who taught Mallory how to hold up her dress when going peepee on the potty).

Well, when two girly-girls get together and have a trunk full of Disney Princess dress-up props, this is what happens. You can see Lauren’s Cinderella necklace, and Snow White bow and some other princess’ yellow sequined crown.

And then there was Carson.


Ages 5+

January 24, 2010

My smart three-yr-old and her 100-pc Fancy Nancy Glitter puzzle that said it was for ages 5+.

Rick helped her with the edges and I gave a few hints on the inside (just because I didn’t have all day), but other than that, she did it all by herself. I loved watching her troubleshoot the puzzle, especially when she’d plug the piece in place before I could even process in my head if it was the right piece for that spot.

Mallory, travel

Itsy Bitsy, Teeny Weeny (hand-me-down) Burberry Bikini

January 23, 2010

I think this bathing suit is hysterical. It was a hand-me-down (from Kaylie’s Kollection) and it’s Burberry. As in the place you buy really expensive scarves.
Really? A 3T Burberry bikini? But Mallory thought it was pretty cool to have “boob things” like her mom.
Ah, to be 3 again and not care how you looked in a bikini.

Do you think Mallory loved the pool in California? These shots are a selection of a bunch that I took as she ran back & forth across the pool, telling me to take her picture.

I am still slowly getting caught up. :-)

Mallory, stb

A Mom Interview with Mallory

January 21, 2010

I found this questionnaire online last week and thought it would be fun to do with Mallory. I have a plan to do it every year on her birthday to see how the answers change. But here is our first one.
1. What is something mom always says to you? NO!
2. What makes mom happy? Me (Mallory)
3. What makes mom sad? Me
4. How does your mom make you laugh? you tickle me
5. What did your mom like to do when she was a child? crawl
6. How old is your mom? 26
7. How tall is your mom? up to the tall …

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Carson, Mallory, stb, travel

Santa Monica

January 18, 2010

We spent our last day in California at the beach. (We were in Indian Wells for a week for a work gig for me – I think I haven’t really told this story in order. oh well).
Continuing on – our last day in California we drove to the beach. Mallory was NOT impressed with the big waves and would freak out when I started to get my feet near the water. I LOVE these pictures that Rick took of the kids and me checking out the surf. The water was freezing but I felt I just had to dip my …

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Who Dresses You?

January 18, 2010

Unfortunately these pictures don’t show the light-up features on the fancy Princess boots.