I know, I know. I am *WAY* late. But it was a busy weekend and I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new computer (can’t you tell – I’m writing this on the new one right now!).
SO – Mallory is all into telling me she needs to run next to the stroller now when we go for walks, because she needs to “etzerthize”.
Click here for more of my Alphabitty entries, and you can read about this project on Mama Bear’s site!
Category: Mallory
I tried to come up with a cute way to say “Carson is 6 months”, since, you know, my sweet little boy is 6 months old today, but I’m tired so this is the best I got.
Time seems to have gone so fast these past six months. (click here for Carson’s first blog post with a picture…)
Newborn-hell seems so long ago: when the crying never seemed to stop, when I could NEVER put him down EVER because he’d start crying, when it seemed all he wanted to do was nurse almost all the time and I was crying because I …
Attitude much?
Just to give you a *little* idea of some of the sassiness we are dealing with around here…
OMG – how tall does she look!?
Clickin Kids
I’m part of a little study group of women from the Clickin Moms community (it is an online group for moms who take pictures – you can get feedback on your photos, and get lots of great ideas!). My study group is all about understanding exposure, something I know I need to work on. I’m a little behind in my “studies” because I keep forgetting to read the book and take the pictures, but tonight I finally decided to take the pictures for the first assignment. I had to get my camera’s manual out, too, so I could figure out …
Sunday morning was a great morning to go take pictures at the pumpkin farm. It wasn’t too sunny, it wasn’t too hot, it wasn’t too cold, and my kids were in good moods. Mallory looks pretty serious in these pictures because she was busy watching all the other kids play.
I took about 180 photos and ended up with about 20 that are decent. I’m still learning my new lens and need to practice with the shallow depth of focus. I’m also supposed to practicing with exposure but I’ve been sort of busy.
This …
So far so good, eh? We are on our way to {hopefully} a nice Christmas vacation!
Quote of the day from Saturday: I was trying to get Mallory ready & out the door so I asked her if she was ready to go watch football.
MCB got all sad and said “but I want to go to the TAILGATE!!”
Grandpa & Carson
Mallory, RB & Carson (Mallory always says that Rick is just Carson’s daddy, not hers. But I assure you Rick is bof of my baby daddy.)
This past weekend was threatening rain and I was so torn about whether to take any or …
D is for…
Gotta love that Mallory wanted to put barrettes in her dad’s hair :-)
Click here for more of my Alphabitty entries, and click here for more about Alphabitty on Mama Bear’s website.
Mallory on Film
I got her hooked on rhyming by singing the Name Game with her. Then she proceeded to rhyme EVERYTHING for a couple of weeks. I think we’re over it now, but here she is singing the song a couple weeks ago.
And – in case you needed to know how to spell Mallory…
From the mouth of Mallory
“Cooper needs a barrette because he’s going to be a golf player”
“I am going to take your picture – say ‘stinky diapers!’”
“You tell me ‘stop doing that, Mallory’” (like when she’s playing with something or doing something she knows she isn’t supposed to, like taking the roll of toilet paper off the holder, just for the heck of it).
STB: “Ooh – you washed your hands! They smell like GRAPE!”
MCB: “No they don’t. They smell like octopuses. Do you like octopuses?”
Out for a walk last week – she asked me to hold her “leafses” (leaves)
We were playing today and she told …
Swingin’ Siblings
I am beyond happy that Carson is finally big enough to fit in his outside swing – now I can sit back and let Mallory push him and not worry about him falling out. I’m still in the backyard while she’s pushing him, but I am able to do dog poop cleanup or get the mail real quick while they play.
I think this is one of my new favorite photos
With Carson’s ever increasing mobility, I’m finding that I have to mediate and redirect Mallory more & more. When Carson used to just chill in the …