
Big Horse Mountain

September 20, 2009

With a lot of her toys packed up so we can keep our house clean and tidy for all the people who aren’t coming to look at it to buy it, Mallory is down to only a few toys (but don’t let her fool you – she still has plenty).
But now that she has fewer to choose from, she has taken a huge interest in her art easel and loves to draw on it. She will color and color almost all day. It’s been interesting to see her talent develop from simple scribbles, to more deliberate shapes. We went to …

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No, I just TELL you

September 17, 2009

In the car yesterday after school, I asked Mallory if we could go for a walk when we got home. Because Mommy needs…”ETZER-THIZE” (that’s right Mals).
But Mallory told me “Um, I think we should go for a walk AFTER dinner”.
Then we talked about some other stuff and I said again “I think we’ll go for a walk as soon as we get home so we can do it while your brother is still sleeping”.
Mallory’s response: “No, I just TELL you what we are gonna do. We are gonna go for a walk AFTER dinner.”
* * *
Unrelated but I have to …

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Carson, Mallory

I sleep in your bed

September 15, 2009

I thought I’d invite Mallory to sleep in our bed the other night – and when I asked if she wanted to sleep in my bed, she said yes and had to go pack.
She brought her blanket, two bear blankies, some water, and a paci. What you can’t see in the picture is her asking me to bring her some books.

Unfortunately when Rick came to move Mallory back to her bed, she woke up and threw a fit and didn’t want to go back to her own bed. So poor Rick had to go sleep on the couch…
So in the …

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Tiny Dancers

September 14, 2009

After the successful test dance class back in August, Mallory is now enrolled full-time in the little kids ballet class with her friend Allison. There are only four little ballerinas in the class and the moms aren’t allowed to watch. I think I’ll bring tailgating chairs and a cooler this week and Alli’s mom & I can sit outside and chit chat for 30 minutes while the girls dance.
We couldn’t quite get them to show or tell us what they did in class but I do know that Mallory LOVES her little skirt and little ballet shoes. The dots …

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Carson, Mallory

A GO BLUE kind of day

September 13, 2009

Holy jumping – what a game yesterday! My kids were {again} fantastic and I’d like to thank my cast of thousands who help me make it through gameday!
Carson swiped some of my pretzel and started gnawing away on it – I guess it made a good teething biscuit!

You may have noticed the Mabel’s Labels button on the right side of the blog – but I’m about to give them some real credit. Do you see Mallory’s bracelet in the picture below? I got them from Mabel’s Labels – they are the “411 wristbands” and have Mallory’s name on them along …

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grandpa, Mallory, video

My little Buffett fan

September 13, 2009

Mallory is all about Jimmy Buffett’s “Volcano”, telling me “I want the ‘I DON’T KNOW’ song” and she loves the song “Fins”. Here she is doing the Fins dance!

We were at my dad’s the other day and my dad put Buffett on and Mallory started telling my dad “Hey! We have this (music) at MY house!!”

friends, Mallory

Pieces of Work

September 11, 2009

Mallory & I had a playdate a few weeks ago with my dear friend Shauna & her family. They traveled all the way from Kalamazoo to visit us for a few hours. We met at the Chelsea Treehouse – a really cool indoor playground (good thing because it was one of those yucky days we had in August) and let the kids all play. Shauna & her husband have three girls – ages 5, 3 & 1 – and of course it took Mallory about an hour to warm up to them, even though they were all over Mallory wanting …

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Alphabitty, Mallory

B is for…

September 10, 2009

I am not sure if I am cheating a little bit by using this for B instead of S – but I love that Mallory says “bresses” instead of “dresses”.
Don’t forget to check out my extra B entry from last week.
And click here for more Alphabittys at Mama Bear’s site!

Mallory, video

Z is for…

September 10, 2009

For those who don’t know why this is totally adorable – Zoltan Mesko is the punter for Michigan and when he punts, everyone makes a Z with their hands.