I got to get Mallory dressed this morning – I went into her room and softly woke her up.
Her first words were “Can I wear a bress today?” I asked if she’d been a good enough girl to be able to wear a dress and she nodded her head.
She had to wear the spinniest dress in her collection (as expected after a 10-day hiatus) and asked if Lauren was going to wear a dress at school today too. Mallory was so agreeable that she let me comb her hair and put a barrette in it. And she brushed …
Category: Mallory
Spinny Bresses
My little girl is IN LOVE with wearing dresses, or “bresses” as she calls them.
Her cousin Lauren is also in love with wearing dresses and usually wears one every single day. And when she outgrows a dress, she passes is on to Mallory. So Mallory says “I want to wear the bress that LAUREN bought me”.
Mallory likes to rate her “bresses” by how well they spin, and won’t wear one if it’s not spinny enough (“but that isn’t a SPINNY BRESS!” and “but that BRESS doesn’t SPIN!”). However, sometimes she will accept a dress if it is a good …
Similar…but different
Man, did Mallory have big round cheeks and face back at ~3mos, especially compared to Carson!
And that straight dark hair…who knew what a curly girl she’d turn into!
Time to make the donuts
One of Rick’s memories from growing up is making homemade donuts. So much so that his mom gave us a deep-fryer for a wedding gift, so that we could continue the tradition.
We don’t make donuts very often, seeing as how the mornings we have together as a family can be counted on my two hands. But we finally made donuts a few weekends ago – and Mallory LOVED them.
Back before we had our own kids, I used to bribe Shane to stay the night with the promise of donuts in the morning. Then he told grandpa to make …
Mallory was FABULOUS all afternoon while Rick & I worked on getting stuff done around the house.
I told her she could have ice cream and a pony and whatever else she wanted because she had been such a good girl.
She said she wanted ice cream but that she didn’t need a pony because she already had one…and she showed me her ponytail.
But this is what happened when she ate her ice cream sandwich. I told her she was a mess and she told me:
“I am NOT a mess!”
Oh, OK.
Princess Butterfly and her Grandpa
Mallory tried to get Grandpa to do the Princess Butterfly dance with her – she kept scolding him for not getting on his tippy-TIPPY-toes.
I know I may be jinxing myself…
…but my sweet baby boy is the best little baby.
We have our evening routine finally figured out. We get home from school, I nurse him and then he plays or maybe naps. Then he eats cereal with us while we eat dinner (sometimes Mallory feeds him – THAT is hysterical). And then he gets a bath because he’s a mess after dinner. He LOVES to kick and splash in the water and we could leave him in there for an hour if we wanted to because he loves it that much. After bath we load him up with Aquafor for …
Family Stuff
I have neglected to post some family stuff the past week or so – so here goes.
Football started. So Rick is gone a lot. He barely gets home in time to say goodnight to the kids each night. We went to see him at practice one day last week, and Mallory ran up to him and said “Daddy? I want you to come home with my mommy right now”. I had to swear up & down to Rick that I did not put her up that.
There was a family day last weekend with an open scrimmage and then …
Carousel of Progress
The “Carousel of Progress” is one of Rick’s favorite attractions at Disney. It’s a 21-minute show where you “…travel through time from decade to decade as the family discovers fantastic new technologies that make their lives more easy, comfortable and fun…”
We’ve had our own “Carousel of Progress”, where my darling children have discovered fantastic new skills that make mommy’s life more easy…
Mallory learned to pump her legs on the swing (so we’ve alleviated some of the “can you push me??” requests).
And Carson can re-pacifier himself.
How happy am I?
It’s da SAME!!!
Mallory spends a good deal of her time pointing out things that are the same – she’ll see some random pink thing and she’ll get SOOOO excited and tell me “It’s DA SAME just like my TOES!”, as an example.
So imagine her joy at discovering that her new Princess toothpaste is DA SAME as the Princesses on her shirt.
She thought it was pretty cool.