Do you remember that episode of Friends where Phoebe is trying to teach Joey to speak French? Where she got him to properly repeat the French word/phrase syllable by syllable, but when she asked him to say the whole thing, it was unrecognizable? Please tell me you remember (Ok, when Mallory reads this in 50 years, she’ll have no idea what the heck I’m talking about. Friends? Huh?)
Anyway, we are dealing with the same language pronunciation thing here.
I can get Mallory to say “lemon” and “ade” but she can’t say lemonade – it still comes out “lemolade”
I can get Mallory …
Category: Mallory
Yeah, dat’s what it says…
Mallory found this Coppertone bottle in the midst of my organizing/cleaning frenzy.
She said “Dat says ‘walking dogs, bear, tents’”.
And then she showed me the walking dog, the bear and the tent.
And then she said “Yeah, dat’s what it says”.
I Like Spiders
Alli’s mom came across a “Little Scientist” camp that she thought would be fun for the girls. But it is, of course, held during the work day which doesn’t work so great for poor children who’s parents both work full time. Miss-scene (how Mallory says Alli’s mom’s name…) figured that between the four parents, we could each take both girls one week of the camp.
Of course Rick drew the first week because it was the only time he could go since football hadn’t started yet. He said it wasn’t very exciting, etc, etc, in usual Rick fashion.
Alli’s dad had the …
Creative Movement
Sweet Mallory and her BFF Alli did GREAT in their first dance class! It was 30 minutes of six 3-yo and two 2-yo kids running around like crazy. Our girls are sooooo advanced, they did great in the 3-yr old class. It has nothing to do with the fact that the 2-yr old ballet classes are only offered during the day because apparently only SAHMs want to take their 2yo & under to dance class…but I digress. God bless the dance teacher of these eight crazy preschoolers!
Here they are, stretching their ears so they can be good listeners in class: …
The Up North Trip
We are on our annual pilgrimage to visit my aunt & uncle “up north”. The kids were great on the trip up, Carson slept the entire time up which was fabulous. We also timed our trip so that we would get to see my grade school friend Mandy & her family. They discovered a great little petting farm near their house so we took all four kids there on Saturday. They had two mamma pigs and a bunch of little piglets – some of whom were trying to nurse, so Mallory said “Mommy, those piggies are trying to eat like …
Digital Crapping
I know this will come as a COMPLETE shock to some of you, but I’ve thrown in the towel on traditional scrapbooking. I am completely IN LOVE with Adobe Photoshop so I’m going to try to scrapbook pages digitally (plus, I find it WAY easier to find a few minutes to “scrap” on the computer than I do hauling out all my paper materials…I think sorting through hard copies of photos is the hardest part of getting motivated).
Anyway, here are my first attempts. These are along the same lines as my paper scrapbook pages, basically photos with some titles and …
I can't because you are a boy
Overheard this morning while I was talking to Rick on the phone.
MCB: “Dad. Dad? Hey DAD! Do you want me to do you a punytail (ponytail)?”
RB: “Um, OK.”
MCB: “Daddy, do you want me to do you TWO punytails?”
RB: “Um, OK.”
Me, via phone to RB: “Ask her if she can give you curls.”
RB: “Mallory, can I have some curls?”
MCB: “No I can’t because you are a boy.”
I am not a pizza!
I was calling everyone their name with “-roni” at the end this morning…Malloroni, Carsaroni, Momma-roni, Dad-aroni.
Mallory said “STOP THAT. I am not a PIZZA!”
Oh, and last night she found a small baggie with pretzels in it – she brought it outside and said “I need to eat these pretzels to feel better” (because she’d been in meltdown for about 14 minutes).
Discovery Channel
Rick finally found a camping buddy.
Rick & Mallory had an overnight in the backyard this past weekend. We did a bonfire with smores (that only I ate…Rick tried to roast chocolate on a graham cracker and Mallory just ate the chocolate). But we did sparklers and just hung out. It was way fun.
Mallory actually lasted all night in the tent. More power to her. ;-)
Big & Little
What you don’t see in these pictures is Mallory on purpose falling backwards. So she is the big STINKER, not big SISTER.
Wardrobe: Mallory’s shirt courtesy of Alli’s mom; Carson’s shirt, courtesy of Kyle, Ryan, Brooke & Jack’s mom